Grow Room Does My Plant Look Okay for 3.5 Weeks?

Awesome thakyou kindly ! Was hoping this would be the case....i feel at this point in time i have more questions than answers haha, okay :bong: now im at ease. My last 2 mental dillemas are: Could it be rootbound? And could it be experiencing early signs of root-rot i would definitely increase pot size and add more perlite or whichever promotes oxygen rich soil for my next baby,(learn learn learn) overall she seems well but i have noticed next to no growth lately i.e. i dont think there are new leaves (4 weeks from seed tomorrow) is this normal for her to slow down on leaf production and instead produce those pistils? thanks a million AFN ♡
Well don't know how much growth you expect to see in two days :pop: also its a lot harder to tell when looking at them every day, and the reason pictures are handy.
As for the potential root rot what gives you the indications that is the issue if any as your plant on Monday looked super healthy, as for being rootbound welcome to my life and the life of a micro grower, but that's more a state of mind per say than an issue for us.

You could re pot now if you want but at 4 weeks will it necessarily allow you to grow a bigger plant, possibly but you could also slow it down with root damage and right now with autos its at that stage where its starting to switch over to flower mode where it focuses on bud production instead of leaves and roots, but by the looks of it your running plastic pots so its a easy transfer so long as you have the space, so its up to you but it will be fine to run out as is as for example my standard size pots i use are 400-500ml which is pretty small for most.

If you do re pot its super easy to do the whole planted pot transfer where you fill your new bigger pot half way with soil take your current pot and throw it in the center on top of that then fill soil up around the outside then when level with the soil in the current in use pot that has the plant just pull that pot out of the bigger pot leaving a perfect indentation, now flip your plant over with your hand on top of the soil say with the stem between two of your fingers and give the pot a twist or light smack and the root ball comes right out now put that in your previous indentation and pack the soil around it and give it a water and your done. Also helps if the soi/plant is at that stage where it need to bet watered, as the soil shrinks a bit when its drier, which makes removing it easier.

For your next cycle go for the biggest pot you can run in your space unless you have height limitations, or as many pots as will fit, there is no right or wrong on what to do, just different preferences.
Hey thanks for the reply! You're right about the constant looking lol i had thought the final week or so of preflowering was a massive stretch/grow period but the main cause for concern is that the pot is holding l unwanted water and she has some weird tipped leaves near the bottom kind of browned looking. Yes i learned for next time on pot sizes (was really not expecting an auto to fill out so much) 500ml! Thats like a waterbottle hahah okay i had read something(how every story starts am i right) about if the plant is rootbound it can be unable to flower the main reason i thought one of these 2 things is because i notcies my plant drooping alot(seemed to be related to time at first like they were resting) but i noticed the time they would normally rest(or i thought?) last night they did not droop so thats what gave me the What what whats? :chimp:
Well drooping can be caused by many things, but the main ones are either under or overwatering which is something you learn in time, as for the leaves if it just the very bottom single bladed leaves right at the base or couple 3 bladed fan leaves above it then dont worry, if it progresses more than that and is affecting more leaves then take a photo and post it up, but those initial bottom leaves typically get consumed come flower anyways as your plant knows that those leaves are way less efficient at picking up light and fueling your plant now that they are shaded out by all the other leaves so it pull the resources from those and relocates them to more efficient leaves.
Okay i was hoping it was something along these lines, awesome :vibe: rock on. Well i have one final question for now.....I have used only black gold all natural potting soil (spaghnum peat moss, perlite, bark compost, earthworm castings, dolomite lime and an organic wetting agent) and florablend veganic nutrients (alfalfa meal, brewers yeast, cottonseed meal, potassium sulfate rock phosphate, sea kelp, and soybean meal) npk 0.5-1-1 my question is between them is this enough to produce flowers? Wasn't sure how else to ask this question thanks a million for all the support :thanks:
The potting soil should have enough in it to get it half to the majority of the way through for the first run, and the nutrients will help augment that and will get you to harvest np, just kept doing what your doing as the plants look healthy, just throw some pictures up ever now and then for the rest of us ;)
Pre flowers popping up everywhere ! The first picture is reference to the possible root rot? Or its the energy thing you had mentioned which i'm hoping is more likely ^.^ i have 3% hydrogen peroxide but ive heard it does more harm then good(organic soil microbes etc) unless you're certain you've got the rot. 1 bad preflower pic, and last but...still least. The little one is another White Widow Autoflowering from Nirvana seeds but it's 1 week behind the big girl :) wanted to see the difference between sunlight and a 45w led so far....I could cut an arm off the full spectrum led plant and it would amount to more then entire sun grown plant! Stem width and all. Can't say that im surprised im sure if the sun was 24hours she would dwarf the led :^)...let me know what you think appreciate the support


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Hey so just an update 5 weeks old tomorrow...shes flowering I believe :^)...let me know if you guys think all looks good.


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Hey so i am wondering if anyone has any knowledge on the flowering stretch shes been reaching out quite a bit turns 6 weeks in 2 days and no trichomes so I'm assuming shes still sort of pre flowering so to speak let me know if this seems normal, the last pic is a close up of the pistol development for reference thanks !


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