Grow Room Does My Plant Look Okay for 3.5 Weeks?

"turns head sideways and adds a bit of zoom" Looks good, she's flowering you'll start to see the stretch slow down over the next week or two and more calyx's develop in that time, looks on par for what it should with it being a 10-12 week strain, Just keep your light as close as possible without your plant getting too hot.

Also here's some reading on training that you can get started with for your next cycle or right now if the plant is still pliable ;) , lst and supercropping and such would be some suggestions just in order to keep your canopy a little more even, you definitely don't have too but the only reason i suggest it is with running at 45w of light which is perfectly fine your light penetration isn't gonna be as good as a brighter higher wattage source, so in order to maximize your light usage if you can get everything sorta level under your light it will be more ideal and you will have a lot more usable bud come harvest.

As what you'll notice happen if you let it go as is, which again is perfectly fine to do is that your main shoot that's closest to your light will develop nice bud, but all your lower shoots that are farther away from your light source will just become fluffy stretched out non compact bud, where as with a more even canopy your main bud wont be as big but all the other side branches will catch up and be in that nice zone to make good bud as well, so you'll end up with a lot more usable good bud just a bit smaller, vs having just one main bud and a bunch of larf, which is all caused by a trait of our plants called "Apical dominance" and coupled to lower light levels.

But looking good none the less, keep it up
Yeah that's sort of my issue :O I added a bit of molassess and boiled egg shells to a feed with the intention of hardening off he stem and now shes crunchyyyy lol can't bend her I originally had the pot on its side and I had bent her all sorts of ways for this reason trying to achieve a scrog type setup without the screen.. and the canopy was almost perfectly even believe it or not heres a picture from a young age, anyway greats tips! Its all personal so im not too worried if its sorta airy! Just was hoping to have it as compact as possible if possible :).


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Its me again ;D? Haha any chance someone might know if i should be seeing decent amount of pistols/white hairs and budsites but not a single spec of resin D: its a white widow so correct me if im wring but feel like there should be some by now im not going to pluck it for another 6 weeks regardless but does anyone know if theres a certain point where they flush up or is it supposed to be present by now? Thanks a billion AFN!
Each strain is different. Some will show trichs right away and they will be everywhere. Other strains won't show trichs until the last few weeks and they may only be inside the flower and not much on the leaf. From your last pics I would say your plant is nice and healthy and should provide some nice smoke in a few weeks
Welcome to AFN! I'm late to the party but I brought weeeeeddd! Lol! Great job so far. That's a nice even canopy you've got going! When trich, pistils, resin, smell ect. form, are all gentics and strain related. Then you have environmental elements to factor in so it ranges. But frost normal shows after the bud sites turn into cotton ball size flowers! Should be soon!
Okay so 2 days away from 7 weeks! Shes looking nice can see some swelling in side and pistols forming like wild so um i got 2 things im worried about and ill post those pics first: [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] pic will be of strange yellowing still happening on some leaves [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is what i think is possibly related some budsites are yellowing a bit could that be from lack of light? And [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] some pistols are prematurely going orange mostly at the stalk and base of flowers [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] are just progress pics haha hope someone can tell me whats going on with my girl! Cheers and thanks again !


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Okay so 2 days away from 7 weeks! Shes looking nice can see some swelling in side and pistols forming like wild so um i got 2 things im worried about and ill post those pics first: [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] pic will be of strange yellowing still happening on some leaves [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is what i think is possibly related some budsites are yellowing a bit could that be from lack of light? And [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] some pistols are prematurely going orange mostly at the stalk and base of flowers [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] are just progress pics haha hope someone can tell me whats going on with my girl! Cheers and thanks again !
Thats gonna produce[emoji12]

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a little bit of yellowing mostly likely due to them being shaded out slightly, they will get consumed over time anyways and are probably starting to now your going right into bud mode so they will get scavenged and redirect their energy/nutrients to the top more productive sites.

As for the orange preflower pistils just ignore them they do that, your plant is gonna do awesome if you keep it up, just wait ;)
Hahaha yaaaay! just the answers i was looking for. :pass:. You think i could pull an oz off her?