Grow Room Does My Plant Look Okay for 3.5 Weeks?

Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Super lemon haze
Just like the title says
45w led
Black gold soil
24/0 light cycle
Any tips would be greatly appreciated


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hi and welcome :pass:
looks like a mighty fine plant to have been grown by 45w led.
what kind of plant is it ?
keep er lit.
Hey so idk if this is the place but as i said ive run 24/0 up until now, would you reccomend / advise against switching to 20/4 i think ive noticed the time of day the autos are "resting" i know they can do this without darkness but would it help? They get all droopy like there overwatered at this time of day daily ^.^ even when i havent changed a thing and conditions are optimal any advice would be appreciated
Thanks alot you guys rock :bighug:being my first auto harvest in years(and first one with any kind of worthwhile knowledge) im having a hard time picturing the buds forming ! But i know patience is key and im not expecting to win any cups :toke:
Hey back again! So i have been reading that removal of budsites can mess with flowering hormomes,!! My plant originally grew 6 side shoots and the main top(i lst'd too much tbh) now 2 of the most inner side shoots were stretching more than 2 inches between internodes and there was basically 0 leaf formation...i took the liberty of removing those 2(one at a time spaced out to reduce stress)as they blocked lower formation on 2 more optimal sites) preflowers are just starting to show all over have been for about 3 or so days, i am not planning on trimming anything else as my plant now looks like the 5 on a 6 sided dice from above. But my question is can flowering now be retarded because of this? I have read many contradicting opinions anyone who has done this before perhaps could chime in? P.s. new to this site so please redirect me if this is the wrong place.
Typically if only a couple of sites or leaves the plant won't even flinch, and even if you do go overboard on the plucking it usually only takes 3-4 days to catch up, i pluck consistently even though id prefer not to, but that's the only way i can keep things manageable in my cases when running close to full