For example you grew you plants 18/6 all the way through. And someone else grew the same strain under the same conditions but had there lighting schedule 20/4. would the person running 20/4 plants mature faster?
I wanna know this cause to me, the whole point of growing auto flowers is they are fast. after my plants show sex and I transplant them, I try to harvest them 40 days after they have been transplanted. all together about 65 days germinating. I recently switched my lighting schedule to 22/2 to try and make them finish quicker. Do you think this will work?
I wanna know this cause to me, the whole point of growing auto flowers is they are fast. after my plants show sex and I transplant them, I try to harvest them 40 days after they have been transplanted. all together about 65 days germinating. I recently switched my lighting schedule to 22/2 to try and make them finish quicker. Do you think this will work?