Doc Bud's High Brix Organix Kit - ACE Congo & Purple Haze Thai


Cut down the congo last night...she was ready and there was some calculus involved regarding the stretch and size of the PHT with regards to how much longer I wanted her to go. I quick dried a nice size nug last night and this is by far the most potent, psychadelic weed I have ever smoked in my life. Three hits off my main "heavy duty" bong and I was just completely gone. I feel like there may be some "adaptogenic/expectational" element to this, but I absolutely had feelings/effects that resembled a small dose of magic mushrooms. The mental focus and thought expansion was profound, and some very serious insights came to me last night without really needing to focus or drive towards them through meditation. This is a powerful drug for mental self-improvement.

The plant looks like she'll offer about 2oz dried, but I do not bother weighing bud because seriously who cares? I would consider the yield of this crop completely 'average' but that is knowing of course that she was grown indoors in a very confined space in horrible RH conditions. She was designed to be topped and turned into a massive tree, and my space offers really no ability to do so. This was a fun grow for me, taught me a lot about organics and about growing a big sativa in a tiny space; granted, I would not say I mastered anything, but I think I now have experience that will prove very valuable in the long run.

The taste of the bud from the microwave was so smooth and clean, that I'm very excited for some properly cured nug...unique flavor, and absolutely NOTHING harsh about it in terms of "back of throat feeling." Same throat sensation as hitting a vaporizer.

Working on some pics...
Timeline for those who are following:

9/27 - Broke ground
10/24 - Flipped to 12/12
01/21 - Chop

Plant was not sexually mature, but hey...nobody's perfect ;-)
Pictures before harvest and then hanging with fan/bud leaves removed.







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Regarding the see a lot of immature pistils on the tips because the plant started re-flowering, as described above. The trichs were about 10% amber, good split of cloudy and clear otherwise. Potency/ripeness is NOT an issue with this plant, although an initial glance might raise an eyebrow. I also did a 3 stage budwash on this baby, 3 buckets of RO water to cleanse off the foliars. Might have needed a bit more rinsing, but overall the last bucket seemed very clean and that's a good sign for how the final product will turn out.


I love to see a High Brix harvest and a Good wash to finish things off!!! Excellent excellent job here!!!

Your quick dry smoke report just brings a HUGE smile to my face.....every thing i hear about High brix herb from quick dry to solid dry cured product is ALWAYS that it gives the best high ever experiecnced and the smoothest tastiest smoke to boot!!!!

Again great job and enjoy that Greatness you grew!!!:bow::bow::woohoo:
Thank you Sir! It's great weed, but you better be ready to talk about the meaning of life before you take a rip because it is chatty on a level I'm unfamiliar with otherwise. Just a total mind session, something about this pot makes connections between people, feelings, events, emotions just blend together into a really nice portrait of thought. It's like you're standing with your face against a Monet and then you take a hit and stand back 20 feet and see the painting for the first time. Exceptional.

If you asked me to take a guess about the PHT...I'd say another 10 weeks honestly! She's very pistily and looking like she's in full flower, but jesus there's almost no calyx growth and she just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I suspect I have my N-P-K ratios wrong for this strain, if she's too N heavy (a likelihood based on how much Stress I sprayed on her) then she might not start to really fatten up and get "sweet" until much later, if at all. This is something I've been advised about when growing these kinds of equatorial sativas. It's basically an heirloom plant that requires much gentler touches with nutrients, and while the high brix kit is good, it may be a bit overboard. For reference, there's a guy on another forum I read who grew this strain in just plain Happy Farm with some teas and molasses...thing was absolutely PERFECT looking. I have some leaf curl and clawing, makes me think something is out of whack.

As far as the BS240W causing basically sunburned the plant. The main stem is dark purple on top and light green on bottom. The Congo buds closest to the light all withered and got crispy by harvest, the main cola which was bent over was green with dark waxy leaves. My suspicion is that it's VERY heavy in a certain spectrum that just doesn't jive with MMJ when in a close-proximity tent environment like mine...the other light has much less visible redness to the spectrum, which may play a part.
Dry weight on the Congo was a very rough 3oz appx. That's not bad for the space restrictions and size of grow container.
Dry weight on the Congo was a very rough 3oz appx. That's not bad for the space restrictions and size of grow container.

:slap: hell yeah congrats thats a great pull jealous!!! im out of meds as of last night!!!! noonononononononononoooooooo!!!!!!!!!:no:

wanna come over :pighug: lol

again great grow!!