Doc Bud's High Brix Organix Kit - ACE Congo & Purple Haze Thai

3 or 4 grows under blackstars, 2 SOLID grows under 600w HPS. HPS is yield, without question. When you want weight, there should be no other discussion in my mind. LED is OBVIOUSLY the best choice for my setup because it's cool, durable, efficient, and provides a SIGNIFICANT potency increase, at the cost of 25-30% yield per plant, relative to pot size. I grow enough weed to smoke about 1/2 a gram per day, all personal "on property" use. For me, the ONLY consideration is quality.

Bolds because I'm STONED.
Watered mildly last night, humidity has been unsatisfactorily low, plants are suffering a bit...this is the A/C system, my whole house is a nightmare of low humidity, rigging up some pocket sized humies in my room to figure out what works in this climate control. I hung a damp dish towel in the tent last night, but have company so I can't tend the garden until much later. It was down around 10%, symptoms are leaf curl, quick dehydration, which suggests the media is VERY concentrated and likely locking out P and/or Mg. The ProMix HP base is mostly soil less, and soil less mixes do not respond well to total dryness in any situation, in my experience. This is something you might amend, go an additional 50% more EWC to get more organic matter in the mix to hold moisture. Doc would probably stand behind that because it doesn't alter the chemistry of the mix, probably improves it.

Haven't sprayed BRIX this week, considering a week off foliars and plain water only since these are both basically landraces...seeing some signs of over fert, don't want to make a bad situation worse. Would rather under feed a 20wk strain at week 5 with 15 weeks to go than over feed her now and cause serious growth stunting that will limit late flowering.

Anyway, likely to pull everything out into full room light to assess in a few hours when the fun dies down. Looong way to go, nobody is going anywhere until at least early Feb.
3 or 4 grows under blackstars, 2 SOLID grows under 600w HPS. HPS is yield, without question. When you want weight, there should be no other discussion in my mind. LED is OBVIOUSLY the best choice for my setup because it's cool, durable, efficient, and provides a SIGNIFICANT potency increase, at the cost of 25-30% yield per plant, relative to pot size. I grow enough weed to smoke about 1/2 a gram per day, all personal "on property" use. For me, the ONLY consideration is quality.

Bolds because I'm STONED.

thanks for that report on your blackstar comparison, its just what i was looking for :slap:

Watered mildly last night, humidity has been unsatisfactorily low, plants are suffering a bit...this is the A/C system, my whole house is a nightmare of low humidity, rigging up some pocket sized humies in my room to figure out what works in this climate control. I hung a damp dish towel in the tent last night, but have company so I can't tend the garden until much later. It was down around 10%, symptoms are leaf curl, quick dehydration, which suggests the media is VERY concentrated and likely locking out P and/or Mg. The ProMix HP base is mostly soil less, and soil less mixes do not respond well to total dryness in any situation, in my experience. This is something you might amend, go an additional 50% more EWC to get more organic matter in the mix to hold moisture. Doc would probably stand behind that because it doesn't alter the chemistry of the mix, probably improves it.

Haven't sprayed BRIX this week, considering a week off foliars and plain water only since these are both basically landraces...seeing some signs of over fert, don't want to make a bad situation worse. Would rather under feed a 20wk strain at week 5 with 15 weeks to go than over feed her now and cause serious growth stunting that will limit late flowering.

Anyway, likely to pull everything out into full room light to assess in a few hours when the fun dies down. Looong way to go, nobody is going anywhere until at least early Feb.

ill have to consider adding more ewc next time around....

i feel you on not wanting to overfert....i did read where DB was feeding some of his plants like 3x what is suggested with no adverse effects, somewhere along the lines of the microbes will break down what is needed based on what plant root exudes are being given off.(or something close just off the top of my head) maybe it is got mainly to do with the humidity and dryness like you are saying. that 10% is crazy low."My 2 cents"

you are a brave man to take on the 20 weeker!! i have a GHS arjans haze #1 and strawberry haze that are 10-11 week strains but thats as far as i care to take it, so hats off to you :tiphat::d5:
Not planning on recharge or cationic. My goal is to stay on the Trans/Energy schedule weekly, half strength, with full strength Brix once weekly. I'm convinced these two plants need totally different feeds, so I need to figure out which one is locked out and which is just dehydrated. Keeping feed steady and not changing things should allow me to control other variables while still getting steady growth. Learning big time here.
nice well i look forward to your findings!!:d5:

and thanks for sharing :smokebuds:
Not planning on recharge or cationic. My goal is to stay on the Trans/Energy schedule weekly, half strength, with full strength Brix once weekly. I'm convinced these two plants need totally different feeds, so I need to figure out which one is locked out and which is just dehydrated. Keeping feed steady and not changing things should allow me to control other variables while still getting steady growth. Learning big time here.

The beauty in the kit is that following the directions will work for all plants!!

First run soil needs stress at least once a week, twice is better till everything is PERFECT! Don't skip it!

Same for brix! Spray every week don't skip it!

I would stick with the program, feed full strength in accordance to the "in the lab" thread, and give the girls some stress!!

Go with 5ml of transplant or energy per plant for a 5-7 gal pot, a little more if your pot is bigger than that.

In flower, we need to keep the soil biota thriving, so don't let the soil dry out all the way - keep it moist.

ill swing back around if i think of anything else.

Trust the doc brother the kit instructions work as long as you follow them!

On a 20 weeker you will definitely need the recharge! Use it!

Also, the cat drench will make hard nugs out of a fluffy sativa! I recommend trying it
I'd do something about the humidity ASAP. Google 'swamp cooler'. People use them at the burning man event to cool and humidify their tents in the desert. The lower the humidity, the better they work. I would definitely give it a try.

Good luck bro!
Keeping the soil and fabric of the pots moist, as well as hanging wet towels, has kept humidity in the 30's, which is about as good as I can do without a more complex rig. I fed with full strength transplant/tea today, sprayed with stress.
Keeping the soil and fabric of the pots moist, as well as hanging wet towels, has kept humidity in the 30's, which is about as good as I can do without a more complex rig. I fed with full strength transplant/tea today, sprayed with stress.

Awesome bro I'm sure they'll turn around!