Watered mildly last night, humidity has been unsatisfactorily low, plants are suffering a bit...this is the A/C system, my whole house is a nightmare of low humidity, rigging up some pocket sized humies in my room to figure out what works in this climate control. I hung a damp dish towel in the tent last night, but have company so I can't tend the garden until much later. It was down around 10%, symptoms are leaf curl, quick dehydration, which suggests the media is VERY concentrated and likely locking out P and/or Mg. The ProMix HP base is mostly soil less, and soil less mixes do not respond well to total dryness in any situation, in my experience. This is something you might amend, go an additional 50% more EWC to get more organic matter in the mix to hold moisture. Doc would probably stand behind that because it doesn't alter the chemistry of the mix, probably improves it.
Haven't sprayed BRIX this week, considering a week off foliars and plain water only since these are both basically landraces...seeing some signs of over fert, don't want to make a bad situation worse. Would rather under feed a 20wk strain at week 5 with 15 weeks to go than over feed her now and cause serious growth stunting that will limit late flowering.
Anyway, likely to pull everything out into full room light to assess in a few hours when the fun dies down. Looong way to go, nobody is going anywhere until at least early Feb.