Doc Bud's High Brix Organix Kit - ACE Congo & Purple Haze Thai

Confirmed Azure Haze is a female (this was a reg seed). Congo is clearly fem (feminized seed). The remaining 2 thai haze hybrids are showing something, but I can't tell if they're skinny sativaish calyxes or very small starts of pollen sacks. Should be clear by Monday. The autoflowers are finishing up, should be out of the tent to allow potting up in about 7-10 days. Magic dragon is a sloooow girl compared to the dinafem Haze2.0, which will probably come down some time on Saturday.
Okay, final headcount now:

Azure Fem
Purple Haze X Thai Fem
Congo Fem

Each will be put in a 5g smart pot tomorrow. The congo will be bent 90* with twine, LST to keep the canopy even.
Put the azure in a 5g smart pot w. root zone. Will pot up other 2 this wknd.
Pending...wrapping up now. Azure haze is a hermie, go figure...dropped about 2 or 3 sacs already, the rest are still immature. Just tied the two remaining females down good and tight, they should be nice and compact for the next few weeks. Feeding with the Brix spray and Transplant. Stress on Monday and Thursday, then another dose of Brix and some Energy; light waterings in between.
Congo first, Purple haze X Thai second. This was Saturday during the transplant.LST session, they're perking up but still need some time to spring back, which is really the whole point...




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Used my atomized mister to "rain" on them today in the bath tub. Once the leaves/buds were washed, I watered with Energy with 2ml of Tea and then sprayed the weekly misting of Brix. Did some additional tying down for canopy mgmt. Really nothing to show versus the last pics, I'll probably do bi-monthly updates until things get truly interesting.
Phew, those are definitely Satis, you could read a newspaper through that canopy!
Well, I also have ALL my lowers tied down and each plant is bent in half with the top bud basically pointing straight towards the ground, making a 180* bend from where the main stem points. I like to do this because then all the side buds end up behaving like top buds, almost like you topped her but minus the crazy side branching that on a sativa can take things from "a little tall" to borderline unmanageable. The lowers are starting to turn back towards the light and stretch upwards, but from everything I've heard about the PHT cross, they usually stretch 6-8x from the flip, so I'm expecting some more heavy bondage in a few weeks as they start to get a bit "big for their britches."

Oh, also forgot to mention that I added another BS 240w LED on the day I did the transplants, so now they're under a notional 510w of LED light...probably closer to 350w in actual emissions, but for a 2x2x5 that ain't bad!
What up L_A_S!!

things are looking great. glad to be able to follow along a high brix journal while my soil is cooking till 12/23/13.

sounds like you have great lighting going on. how long have you been growing with LED and have you been able to compare it to HPS/MH???