Good luck with that. I would just forget photos. As @Mañ'O'Green says, getting rid of light leaks would be a serious challenge. The design of the edge seal would be part of the problem, the mechanics to achieve it reliably without tangles or jams another, and both of them would be bloody difficult. You would be hugely better off using your money, time, and patience designing your grow for autos.
Best of luck if you go for it, should make for some diy fun.![]()
I know I could use a tarp or something it's just the issue of being there everyday at specific time.
Just thinking with photos I can get a higher yield with plant counts and all. Like I can get a plant ten times as big I hear you tho it's possible to get multiple grows with autos and maybe get same yield. I just saw other people use tarps but I don't want to worry about that for 2months.
I expect that you are right that you could grow more bud with photos if you could achieve light deprivation, but in my humble, not enough more to justify the extra hassle with a manual setup, or especially the expense, frustration, and screwed up grows likely before getting an automated system sorted. DIYing a system that works reliably would be an expensive and challenging project. Keep in mind here that you are talking about sealing the space against full power sunshine. That is a tougher to accomplish compared to an indoor tent that would never see that intensity of outside light, and even the indoor tent can be a challenge with light leaks.
If you don't want to do manual light dep, I would forget doing it at all. In your boots, automated top watering of autos is where my interest would be. For safety reasons with power interuptions, I would go with moderate sized pots, peat based medium, and top watered hydroponic nutes. Moderate to large pots with peat will give you more of a buffer if fertigation is delayed for a day or so by a power failure.
Good luck with it, have fun, and let us enjoy the show!![]()
I only grow indoors. That said my Yield over time with Autos vs. Photos is nearly equal. I can get almost 2 more auto crops in a year over the photos that makes the yields nearly equal.
Holy smokes is a lot of naysayers on this thread.

B O O M !!!

Alright you ain't got a clue as far as I'm concerned..

If you ain't done it, you shouldn't be talkin about it...

I don't think either one of you know about what your talkin about..

As I said earlier if you had read it??
"It's very easy"

And there's no way in hell you can grow as much as I grow outside. No way in hell...

"I'll stand by that 100%"

There's zero chance of you growing as much as I grow with the same photo strain inside... As what I can grow outside with that strain.
Your yields are about 60% of what I can do outside ... And at that I grow AAA flower. That said, I trim away all minor Bud sites and little stems that don't produce anything and only keep the large flowering buds. Also I do it with a ( KISS ) method.
Kiss meaning Keep It Simple Stupid.
Meaning low cost, low effort, and 100% organically.
As well the cost of me doing this like I do is going to be 90% less than what it cost you to do it inside... guaranteed

You can't dispute's impossible. And you can take that to the bank all day long.

No disrespect intended.

But if you don't know. Don't speak on it.
I'm always open for debate but this is a closed and it's not even debatable.
It's completely laughable.

The sun is Like Aaa super brite. Duh
It's impossible that artificial light can produce more than the Sun.
You would have to be ludicrous

Again the cost of running a light 10 to 14 weeks in a basement or grow tent anywhere else inside... the cost of heating air conditioning the fans running, if you do deep water if you do aeroponics soil or soiless, the cost of electric pump all the damn chemicals you got to use...WTF Come on man.. You have to be ludicrous to think that you can do better than what I can do outside.

Just a little bit of incentive so you can see what you're going to play against. Hahaha and this is not me even trying. It's Kiss. Just imagine if I put some freaking work to it...hahaha. Come on boys let's play.
Any Challengers??? For a little outside photo versus inside photo Campo?
Summers coming bro's , let's grow.
What you got???
I'll take you all on if you want.

Don't be scairred ... LOL hahaha.
Bring it if you got it?
If not go home.
Grow big or go home