DIY DIY CO2 generator

What wrong with you? The oil dose not burn all the way so you put oil on your buds . walls soon it will get Everywhere in the house . Some OF the unburnt oil in the smoke will kill your plants
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there is scientific evidence that raising from ambient to 700 ppms can increase growth 30%. Simply adding CO2 accomplishes nothing unless everything parameter relative to the grow is at it peak useful levels, ie, nutrients, max light, etc. simply pumping CO2 into a grow area/tent is not an effective use of CO2 potential

Even in my cabinet CO2 is hard to control, I have bottles and regulators along with a co2 controller, I've noticed the differential a solid 300 ppm so between off and on settings compared to actual co2 levels, also of note I've found no benefit below 1000 ppm a therefore my settings are 1190-1350.

Also to provide some clarity on co2 and us humans, in the states we have to ventilate commercial buildings to 900 ppm so or less, anything above 1000and we start getting sleepy just like we did in school or gyms so you are pretty safe in a grow room with 1500 ppm so or less of CO2
That's why they use propane for CO2 burners in greenhouses. It produces only CO2 and water when burned, no carbonmonoxide

What wrong with you? The oil dose not burn all the way so you put oil on your buds . walls soon it will get Everywhere in the house . Some OF the unburnt oil in the smoke will kill your plants
The average human produces 2.5 pounds of CO2 a day. More when active' less when not. On average we exhale over 40,000 PPM per breath. Get your meters out and spend an hour with the girls. See what your readings are. A couple of cups of coffee and some smokes with the ladies in the morning will give them a great boost. And working and hanging out with them any part of the day at least an hour before lights out will work well. I take it a step further. I set up my stationary bike front of my tent. And ride for a half hour at least three times a day. But be sure to keep the nutes up a tad when using CO2 or else they will appear to not be reacting to the boost.
So, I have been looking at ways to increase CO2 in my grow room on the cheap. After looking at natural gas and propane generators I decided to buy a small oil lamp and see what kind of CO2 it would generate. The lamp was super small and cheap, I paid $3 for it at a local store. When I fired it up my CO2 was at 433, the first picture is about 5 minutes later, I couldn't believe it was increasing that quick and ran upstairs to grab my camera. After 33 minutes my CO2 was at 800. The room size is 10x10x10 so 1000 cubic feet total, it increased by ~400ppm after 33 minutes. It pretty much stabled out and bounced back and forth between 750 and 800 for another two hours when I turned it off. I will be investing in a larger lamp for further testing but as you can see, a very small flame will increase the PPM quite a bit in an enclosed room. I don't know how comfortable I would be with it in a tent but this room has concrete floors and blocks up 2' high so I am not much worried about it in there. I will update after I get a larger lamp.


A4 whats up brother still around here..... i was searching google for co2 ideas and and click on one and it was you how cool is that lol things look real different here it like the place has no soul anymore lol wheres the VIBE lol ...but yeah bro tring to up my c02 , thanks for the tip my friend and good karma to you and yours...CGR