DIY DIY CO2 generator

Elevation of CO2 levels at the parts per million or even 1000s levels we are talking about is pretty meaningless in terms of toxicity.

I think newer info suggests that over 1000 PPM makes humans dumber and increases headaches.
"2,500 ppm....decision-making ability slumped by up to 93%, an effect similar to being either drunk or having a head injury"

"on average, a typical participant’s cognitive scores dropped 21 percent with a 400 ppm increase in CO2."

Maybe I should add a warning in my Journals:
Caution, entering stupid zone, effects are temporary but stupid is highly contagious.

On the other hand, Submarine air is 4000 PPM and nobody tripped over the launch button, yet.
The International Space Station air is 5300 PPM. They need some weed to soak up that CO2
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Hell yeah! Let's derail @A4's thread. :biggrin:
Ethylene gas to make buds ripen faster?
Now I gotta put a bushel of bananas in my grow room? Some tomatoes, maybe an avocado....

How about Methane, I have plenty of that.
I could fart right into the curing jars.
Probably sell the buds for a premium in California. They buy coffee beans processed by a Civet's rectum, delicious.
.......Oh dear, that's why.............thanks man, I'll get right on it, confirming my habitation is awash in CO2...... AND there's a stupid habitant in it....... Oh well!

What I can't quite get my head around, is how the CO2 tribe manage to keep the desired concentration more or less stable without a battery of bottles, heating and/or Air-Con, dehumidifier and/or humidifier, what with temperature, humidity, O2 resupply and the rustling breeze needed to lift the heavier than atmospheric air CO2 up to the buds........ Maybe I'm just being stupid and over thinking the complexity......
Hell yeah! Let's derail @A4's thread. :biggrin:
Ethylene gas to make buds ripen faster?
Now I gotta put a bushel of bananas in my grow room? Some tomatoes, maybe an avocado....

How about Methane, I have plenty of that.
I could fart right into the curing jars.
Probably sell the buds for a premium in California. They buy coffee beans processed by a Civet's rectum, delicious.

It just so happens that combustion.......not only produces CO2, but also Ethylene...... You might say that A4's kerosene light is a dual purpose emitter...... So what does what.....

Methane, sounds more like a trimming aide...... Jack up the concentration just prior to harvest and ignite that kerosene..... As to emitting it into the jars, that would create a oxygen poor environment, a modified Atmosphere which could lead to anaerobic respiration of the buds..... Do buds respire?........ Leading to conversion of the sugars in the buds to alcohol ..........and hey, Bob's your uncle......cannovadko buds....... Get drunk AND high in one hit........ Why do I think there would also be a booming market for such a product in California.....!!!
View attachment 518797how the CO2 tribe manage to keep the desired concentration more or less stable

I'm with you about stable CO2 levels, confusing.
CO2 does sink gradually, but it sloshes around and mixes with a slight breeze.

There is a gradient from the floor to ceiling (yes, I was curious)
But not like chilled CO2 gas from dry ice that sinks to a beautiful layer.
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combustion.......not only produces CO2, but also Ethylene

I didn't know that.
You win, can I slap you now? :biggrin:
So hydrocarbon heaters/lamps can raise the Ethylene concentration above 500 PPM, enough to affect plants.
Interesting.... it is a plant hormone, does it affect Cannabis? If only someone on AFN had 18 plants of the same strain to test with.

Hey @A4, do you have one of those obnoxious selfie cameras?
Because I want to see the look on your face when you come back to this thread.
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Another potential option, where available and cost-effective, could be to buy a good-sized block or bag of dry ice (frozen CO2), put it in a cooler or other insulated container inside or near the tent, and let the dry ice sublime (go from solid to gas) over days. CO2 delivery rate could be controlled by the extent you insulate the dry ice (or not).

Otherwise, I saw indication that there are concerns that higher CO2 levels, such as from a small flame, could be hazardous. Elevation of CO2 levels at the parts per million or even 1000s levels we are talking about is pretty meaningless in terms of toxicity. Keep in mind, CO2 is an inert gas, and that the small amounts here are not going to significantly reduce the level of oxygen in the air (about 20%) in any meaningful way. And modern humans have evolved living with fire/CO2. You could increase ambient CO2 levels, about 400 parts per million (4/100,000), many many times in a closed room without adverse effects. And I presume this is common, such as well-sealed rooms and buildings, theaters, etc. having much higher CO2 levels than have been cited here so far.

I have thought about the dry ice method but was looking for something a little cheaper. I did take a measurement today as I worked a little in my room. 30 minutes of general work raised it about 290 ppm to around 730. I am looking for the neighborhood of 1200 ppm and went to the local box store looking at propane heaters but everything has a bit too many BTU for my liking.

I think newer info suggests that over 1000 PPM makes humans dumber and increases headaches.
"2,500 ppm....decision-making ability slumped by up to 93%, an effect similar to being either drunk or having a head injury"

"on average, a typical participant’s cognitive scores dropped 21 percent with a 400 ppm increase in CO2."

Maybe I should add a warning in my Journals:
Caution, entering stupid zone, effects are temporary but stupid is highly contagious.

On the other hand, Submarine air is 4000 PPM and nobody tripped over the launch button, yet.
The International Space Station air is 5300 PPM. They need some weed to soak up that CO2

View attachment 518797 .......Oh dear, that's why.............thanks man, I'll get right on it, confirming my habitation is awash in CO2...... AND there's a stupid habitant in it....... Oh well!

What I can't quite get my head around, is how the CO2 tribe manage to keep the desired concentration more or less stable without a battery of bottles, heating and/or Air-Con, dehumidifier and/or humidifier, what with temperature, humidity, O2 resupply and the rustling breeze needed to lift the heavier than atmospheric air CO2 up to the buds........ Maybe I'm just being stupid and over thinking the complexity......

That's quite interesting about the ppm levels and cognitive reasoning.

As for your question on keeping desired levels, most are using atmospheric controllers which can be bought for about $200.

Hey @A4, do you have one of those obnoxious selfie cameras?
Because I want to see the look on your face when you come back to this thread.

Yes actually, I do @HubbaBubba

That's quite interesting about the ppm levels and cognitive reasoning.

I thought it was interesting, but only 2 small studies against NASA & Navy.
Might be bullshit sponsored by ventilation companies.
Or it might be sudden exposure vs slowly increasing exposure.

No worries, over 1000 PPM has diminishing returns for plants, and over 1200 yield drops, right?
Zero risk of passing out in a growroom at just 1200 PPM.

Now what about Ethylene? If dirty combustion is making Ethylene then it is making other crap that I don't want to breathe. But we don't want Ethylene in the grow room 24/7 because it decreases yield for plants similar to Cannabis. Maybe the last week or two of flowering? Or maybe an Ethylene shock for one day?
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As a trigger yes..... You couldn't grow pineapples commercially without uniform flower inducement triggered by a shot of Ethylene(Ethephon).......notice the reference to the use on tobacco...... Maybe canna respond the same way...... If it does, same effect on photoes and autos?.......
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Page issues

IUPAC name
2-Chloroethylphosphonic acid
Other names
CAS Number


ChemSpider 26031

Jmol interactive 3D Image
KEGG C18399

PubChem 27982

  • InChI=1S/C2H6ClO3P/c3-1-2-7(4,5)6/h1-2H2,(H2,4,5,6)

  • InChI=1/C2H6ClO3P/c3-1-2-7(4,5)6/h1-2H2,(H2,4,5,6)
  • ClCCP(=O)(O)O
Chemical formula
Molar mass 144.5 g/mol
Density 1.409 g/cm3
Melting point 74 °C (165 °F; 347 K)
Solubility in water
123.9 g/100 ml at 23 C
Main hazards Corrosive
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
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Infobox references
Ethephon is the most widely used plant growth regulator.


It is manufactured by Rhône-Poulenc (Bayer Crop Science) and Jiangsu Anpon Electrochemicals Co. in China. Uponmetabolism by the plant, it is converted intoethylene, a potent regulator of plant growth and ripeness. It is often used on wheat,coffee, tobacco, cotton, and rice in order to help the plant's fruit reach ripeness more quickly. Cotton is the most important single crop use for ethephon. It initiates fruiting over a period of several weeks, promotes early concentrated boll opening, and enhances defoliation to facilitate and improve efficiency of scheduled harvesting. Harvested cotton quality is improved.

Ethephon also is widely used by pineapple growers to initiate reproductive development (force) of pineapple. Ethephon is also sprayed on mature-green pineapple fruits to degreen them to meet produce marketing requirements. There can be some detrimental effect on fruit quality.

Although many environmental groups worry about toxicity resulting from use of growth hormones and fertilizers, the toxicity of ethephon is actually very low,[1] and any ethephon used on the plant is converted very quickly to ethylene.[2]


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Last edited 18 days ago by AnomieBOT