DIY DIY CO2 generator

Nope, not tested.......they don't carry Ethephon in the local supermarket unfortunately.......Tell me where I can get it, and it will be tested. This product is for commercial purposes, and doubt it will be easy to source.

Bananas me thinks.........
Dry ice works, but too damned expensive to be practical unfortunately. and I'd think a security risk too. "Hey! What ya doing with all that dry ice????".................

IMO, if your going to do CO2, do it right! Its not that expensive, startup is not cheap, but then, how much did you spend on tents and lights and....
What you'd spend in one grow on mushroom bags, etc would buy a regulator setup and a tank rental. I got a regulator and valve off ebay used for $35. I'll be renting a tank for a grow in March. Tank rental with first fill is $150. $30 refills. From what little research is out there, 1200-1500 ppm CO2 may be more than needed. I'm going to try for 800-1000ppms, if i can regulate it that well.

They make small catalytic heaters for camping that would be safer to use than a lamp. build a stable base for it, it could work!

I have thought about the dry ice method but was looking for something a little cheaper. I did take a measurement today as I worked a little in my room. 30 minutes of general work raised it about 290 ppm to around 730. I am looking for the neighborhood of 1200 ppm and went to the local box store looking at propane heaters but everything has a bit too many BTU for my liking.

That's quite interesting about the ppm levels and cognitive reasoning.

As for your question on keeping desired levels, most are using atmospheric controllers which can be bought for about $200.

Yes actually, I do @HubbaBubba


Thanks for the link, and yes they carry it, but this is not a webshop. When you click "where to buy" you get this which is a list of reprensentatives that can be contacted in the US, and since I'm in Europe.........I have had a look around, and I can not find Ethephon for sale anywhere, including Amazon and Ebay.

I've also looked for the Ethylene emitting canisters that are routinely used to ripen fruit in Containers and cold rooms, but no luck......

Here's a good brief write-up on the antics of Ethylene

Dry ice works, but too damned expensive to be practical unfortunately. and I'd think a security risk too. "Hey! What ya doing with all that dry ice????".................

IMO, if your going to do CO2, do it right! Its not that expensive, startup is not cheap, but then, how much did you spend on tents and lights and....
What you'd spend in one grow on mushroom bags, etc would buy a regulator setup and a tank rental. I got a regulator and valve off ebay used for $35. I'll be renting a tank for a grow in March. Tank rental with first fill is $150. $30 refills. From what little research is out there, 1200-1500 ppm CO2 may be more than needed. I'm going to try for 800-1000ppms, if i can regulate it that well.

They make small catalytic heaters for camping that would be safer to use than a lamp. build a stable base for it, it could work!

Will you be doing 2 grows with clones and identical grow environment to get an idea of the effect. One with and one without CO2?
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Not on the first grow, think I may use it with my last AU.... Then I may do some photo clones. I was given a pack of
Ice x White Widow, I may try.

Thanks for the link, and yes they carry it, but this is not a webshop. When you click "where to buy" you get this which is a list of reprensentatives that can be contacted in the US, and since I'm in Europe.........I have had a look around, and I can not find Ethephon for sale anywhere, including Amazon and Ebay.

I've also looked for the Ethylene emitting canisters that are routinely used to ripen fruit in Containers and cold rooms, but no luck......

Here's a good brief write-up on the antics of Ethylene

Will you be doing 2 grows with clones and identical grow environment to get an idea of the effect. One with and one without CO2?
@A4, will your space accommodate the food type heaters that are used at Buffett places? They may provide the increase in CO2 your looking for without the large btu increase, they maybe to expensive for long term use depending on how long they last
@A4, will your space accommodate the food type heaters that are used at Buffett places? They may provide the increase in CO2 your looking for without the large btu increase, they maybe to expensive for long term use depending on how long they last

Yeah but I am noticing it is going to take a pretty good bit of flame to keep 1000ppm. I am not too sure the benefits justify the added hassle. I may end up using CO2 in the future but it will be bottles and gauges. It is just too much hassle and worrisome to deal with a lot of flames in the garage.
Even in my cabinet CO2 is hard to control, I have bottles and regulators along with a co2 controller, I've noticed the differential a solid 300 ppm so between off and on settings compared to actual co2 levels, also of note I've found no benefit below 1000 ppm a therefore my settings are 1190-1350.

Also to provide some clarity on co2 and us humans, in the states we have to ventilate commercial buildings to 900 ppm so or less, anything above 1000and we start getting sleepy just like we did in school or gyms so you are pretty safe in a grow room with 1500 ppm so or less of CO2
Nice thread, well done. Amazing how just the flame from the lamp brought up the CO2 level. I have a whole set-up left from my reef tank, would like to use it but cannot wrap my head around just how. With the venting and air exchange I have going on I am not quite sure of what to do. Someday...
Yeast is another cheap idea for generating Co2 that I've thought of trying. Might be worth seeing what effect it has with your meter if you've got any about the kitchen. Little safer than leaving a flame going, but a good oil lamp on a steady surface away from combustibles is going to be stable unless someone bumps it.

(from another forum)
I have a few 1ltr bottles scattered around the plants. Yeast sugar and warm water. Shaking will aggressively create bubbles. There many ways to do it. I simply added the bottle on the floor as I have negative pressure and small 4w clip fans spreading the love. These professional systems are made for larger scale and rooms with no air circulation. If you are breathing next to it all day the co2 is a waste. They can only effectively use 1500ppm anything else is going to waste. I use the less is more idea when talking about something that eats in ppm. Then you need enough light and nuts in the water for the co2 to properly work. Co2 is breathed in by the plant the light is the signal to go and nuts are the fuel.