DIY DIY Automated Burping System?

Oct 31, 2021
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Hey guys. Was reading through the forum and came across THIS post. I'm pretty intrigued and it looks like an interesting concept. One big thing I noticed was that the original poster left off by saying that the buds looked pretty good after a week, but had very weak flavor and smell. As far as I can tell, that was the last update they gave. Anyways, there are a couple reasons I believe the automatic burping system would effect flavor/smell; The system literally blows air on the buds, which I've been told will ruin flavor and smell, and usually the system uses plastic containers, which I also personally believe could effect flavor and smell. So here I am left wondering if this system is effective, or if it causes the flavor and smell to be weaker. If anyone has tried this out, or knows the answer, please let me know. I would love to give this a try if it is as effective as manually burping jars.
FWIW, I actually bought the air pump to try this, but never got around to using it. I will likely try the Grove Bags for the next harvest rather than fool around with automatic burping. At least I will if I can sort out shipping to Canada. Turns out Afganistan, along with nearly every other country on Earth, is on their country list, but Canada is not. Go figure.

In any case, if you go with the automated option, I recommend that you do it using mason jars, not plastic containers, and silicone tubing rather than pvc or other plastic tubing. There are large jars available if the standard 1 liter ones are too small for you.

Good luck with it, let us know how you make out. :pighug:

I have been using this system in Jars for awhile now. I use the 32oz Jars and just drill holes in the lids It is much easier than drilling thru the glass jar itself. just run a longer tube down to the bottom of jar for the air Intake.

Mine is not automated I have to manually turn it on. But it has worked great with 0 issues. Light does degrade but not if the room is dark!
I would buy some splitters so you can scale up. I have 9 jars currently on the pump and will be adding a few more.
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I have been using this system in Jars for awhile now. I use the 32oz Jars and just drill holes in the lids It is much easier than drilling thru the glass jar itself. just run a longer tube down to the bottom of jar for the air Intake.

Mine is not automated I have to manually turn it on. But it has worked great with 0 issues. Light does degrade but not if the room is dark!
I would buy some splitters so you can scale up. I have 9 jars currently on the pump and will be adding a few more.

WOW!! This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you. So you would not say that you've noticed any difference in flavor or smell with this method? I would pretty much be looking at this setup, however it would be kept in the bottom drawer of my closet, so it would be completely dark.
FWIW, I actually bought the air pump to try this, but never got around to using it. I will likely try the Grove Bags for the next harvest rather than fool around with automatic burping. At least I will if I can sort out shipping to Canada. Turns out Afganistan, along with nearly every other country on Earth, is on their country list, but Canada is not. Go figure.

In any case, if you go with the automated option, I recommend that you do it using mason jars, not plastic containers, and silicone tubing rather than pvc or other plastic tubing. There are large jars available if the standard 1 liter ones are too small for you.

Good luck with it, let us know how you make out. :pighug:

I will definitely be making a post when I get around to trying it. That being said, I have never heard of Grove bags until this post. I'm not sure I understand them correctly. Are they for burping? Or just for long term bud storage? The reason I was so interested in the automatic burping system is because I read that it will burp your cannabis automatically for as long as you want, and then you can remove it from the pump, and it will be sealed with the perfect humidity inside, which makes longer term storage easy. Are grove bags similar in function? It seems their website mainly advertises Mold prevention, Weight retention, and Terpene preservation. If so, I may just opt for those.
I would say it has made burping all the jars much much easier. I just modified Derek Gilmans and the other guy who did it in the smaller plastic bins. I don't grow Pounds. well Maybe a Pound total but that might be 3 or 4 different strains.

I usually just run the pump for 1 min once or 2x a day.
I have gone a week without burping now that everything is past 6 weeks. Still run it though.
Highly recommend because burping a lot of jars is a PITA!

I actually have some Grovebags to test out! We shall see. One main difference is the pump is actually forcing new air into the jar. after about 30 seconds the room fills with a wonderful aroma.
I can see the bags being for long term storage once mostly cured.
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FWIW, I actually bought the air pump to try this, but never got around to using it. I will likely try the Grove Bags for the next harvest rather than fool around with automatic burping. At least I will if I can sort out shipping to Canada. Turns out Afganistan, along with nearly every other country on Earth, is on their country list, but Canada is not. Go figure.

In any case, if you go with the automated option, I recommend that you do it using mason jars, not plastic containers, and silicone tubing rather than pvc or other plastic tubing. There are large jars available if the standard 1 liter ones are too small for you.

Good luck with it, let us know how you make out. :pighug:

You can get grove bags in Canada now. i just ordered some a few weeks ago,shipping is a bit high but oh well
You can get grove bags in Canada now. i just ordered some a few weeks ago,shipping is a bit high but oh well
thanks for the head's up, I appreciate it. Too bad that the company can't answer customers messages.

I suppose that the Canadian outlet is the reason Canada is missing from the country list. Might have been handy for them to mention that on their website.
This thread really interested me as well, seems like drying and curing are my weakest link. I made both a plastic one piece lid and the conventional two piece metal lid with band . I elected to go with the one piece plastic, much easier to work with. Had a difficult time finding an appropriate plastic glue that would hold. Locktite makes a plastic glue that has worked so far(Locktite plastic Bonding System). I glued the check valves inside of the lid, extended tubing to bottom of jar, installed and sealed a Hygrometer in the lid . So far the lid is holding air. With this system one will be able to elevate the moisture level in your preferred jar if needed.