Sweet Seeds DirtyN0rth || Sweet Seeds Dark(er) Devil : Canna Terra Pro+ : XGS-190 : Arcadia D3 12% UV-B

Jun 2, 2013
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Gotta keep chuggin out the cannabis. Spreadin the goodness...

My last night of cutting my previous grow (NLxBB) I paper towel and plate up a bean of my choosing to transition right into my next grow (time the tent is empty is wasted time). This particular bean being the second out a three pack of Dark Devils. I'm very weird about picking the seed...in reality the choice could potentially be huge even though I'm likely to plant the other seed at some point anyways. But, still...I'd rather grow a monstrous beauty now rather than later ha. Well, I felt good about this seed it had a really nice size and shape. Average but flawless.

Well, she popped and I got her into the Canna Terra Pro+. Until it's above soil I use a spray bottle with clean water to keep it nice and moist. I like this because of the minimal disturbance of the soil. It always takes about 48 hours for my sprouts to pop above soil. I had this in the CTP+ on Friday evening and like clockwork it was up Sunday night. I've been planting a little deeper and since haven't had a sprout come up with a seed casing (I was getting this regularly, no big deal but I still get nervous about tweezing the casing off).

This is my Dark Devil rematch. Darker than Black. Some may have followed my previous Dark Devil grow. It was easily the greenest, most sativa-heavy Dark Devil ever haha. Super potent, nice floral perfumey sort of taste. I prefer Indica-style buds tho personally. To its credit, the buds themselves were quite dark with shades of purple throughout. I'm hoping that this seed yields a girl on the other end of the Dark Devil spectrum. I will say, it certainly looks like its headed in the right direction. The last Dark Devil got tall, fast.This sprout is stockier like the AutoUltimate sprout was. It looks really good for seven days. But, what's really got me pumped is the stem is a dark, purplish-red.

Anyways, a new grow begins! Pumped up to see how she develops over the coming days...karma, luck, I'll take all that good stuff. Here she is...

Day 7




The Fifteenth Day

I can see this is how my journals are going to go. Day 7 I'll take the sprout pics, Day 15 midway Vegetative pics, 25 Flowering, 30, 35, etc. until the Finale. Well here's the Day 15 pics. The sprout looked unremarkable in terms of size, but I mean that in a good way. It has progressed nicely. Not a ton of growth, but the stems have maintained that darker color and she's already quite thick and sturdy. I wouldn't mind a big ass purple/red/black bush of Dark Devil. I love those plants that are like two feet tall but still yield a pile. I've found through growing that I am definitely an Indica lover. There's something about grinding up a dense, stinky, chunk of weed that I love.

Well, as you can imagine there's not a whole lot going on. I was having some nute burn in transition so I modified my Vegetative Feeding schedule a bit and I'm hoping I get the desired results. Overall, I'm optimistic though. All I really wanted was something on the opposite end of the Dark Devil I already grew and it looks like I won't be disappointed.


The Fifteenth Day




Coming alone nicely fella ;)
thanks for sharing your diary with us, I hope you enjoy the grow.
Sweet smokes!!
Re-Post for my Sweet Seeds Followers

Some of you may know I'm a leukemia survivor. Well I'm still battling Graft Versus Host Disease on a daily basis. I ran into an issue with having fluid around my lungs, and a semi-routine draining procedure has turned into an extended hospital stay. Not to worry, I've got an associate that is (hopefully) doing his best to follow my exact instructions in terms of the feeding and care of this lady and the Dark Devil of my other journal. I hate not being able to care for my ladies, but unfortunately I have no choice. I'm hoping to be home on Friday. At any rate... that is the reason for the lack of any recent full updates.

Not to worry guys/ladies... I will update as soon as I get back and settled in
All the best t`you DN, :karma Cloud: (lots of `em!) sent your way mate! :Sharing One:
Stronger Than Death

Phew, I didn't die or anything like that (obviously haha).... but that was one of the shittiest medical stints I've had in awhile. Basically, you don't every want a bunch of fluid in your chest cavity because the treatments all suck. On top of that I got a pretty decent cold like two days before discharge. So I had a really shitty few days, but I powered through and am on the upswing.

Well, I mentioned in my other update that my interim caretaker has some sort of black / brown thumb. It's amazing at certain stages in a plants life how much damage can be done in seven days. When I got home she was completely tipped over. It was clear she had been growing half-cocked for several days and had finally keeled over. So I went right into ICU mode and started tweaking her night after night to get her growing as straight as I could. It took around a week, and if you could see the main stalk it's probably shaped like a lightning bolt haha... should end up with an interesting cola thats for sure. It's definitely gonna be a baby bush, but I'm still confident I can get some awesome buds out of her. There going to be black boulders I hope.

It's a shame tho because this Dark Devil is exactly what I was hoping for. I doubt it will make it to Day 80, but these buds are a purplish black. She looks so bad ass with the white hairs coming out of the black buds. I chopped four days out of the midpoint of my Flowering Schedule, and I'll probably cut four days off of the end of the schedule as well. This eight days should open up enough time for me to adequately finish the full two weeks of the Finale with the Bloom Final and the Grand Finale. Depending on how things turn out...the majority of this could end up in my personal stash. :twist:

I just started improving today, so it's slow going, but hopefully I'll have some pictures up in the next week. Regardless, I'll definitely keep you guys updated. A week from Wednesday I'll be start my Blue Auto Mazar journal as well, so keep your eyes peeled.

Goodnight dudes/ladies.