New Grower Direct fan am I stressing them ?

Dec 7, 2014
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Hey everyone , a friend was telling me not to put my plants directly under my fan because it will stress it out and turn it hermie . not to sure if they are correct. i thought it needed to move to grow a strong stem and to absorb more C02 ?

anyway here is a wee video of them under my fan let me know if you think ill damage them

I'm with you in that research suggests they need to hit some wind resistance and dance a bit, but it seems like your fan is on a very high setting/is too close to your looks more like jostling & less like dancing. I would go for a little less of a rough ride, but you're farther along than I am in my first grow, so I'm curious to hear what some of the old timers think.

Looks like a bit too much. I have a link about it some where that describes what it does to the plant. I'll find it and post it.
I don't think it's instant hermie though, it sounds like a thought process carried to a logical but erroneous conclusion. Too much fan = stress and too much stress = hermies. Not a bad chain of thought but not quite true either. Too much stress is never a good thing, you want air movement but not quite to that extent.
I am off to find that link....
Im curious about this too, with plants in different stages of development and one large fan, I have some moving more than others so I change up the fan direction and only set it to oscillate occasionally because I notice it moves my baby plants about as much as yours
I run my fan like in your video, have nothing but lady's with THICK main stem's but im I'm a noob for what it's worth
A fan running that high can also cause higher transpiration from my photo grow experiences. It can actually cause the plant itself to dry out faster even with adequate moisture.
A fan running that high can also cause higher transpiration from my photo grow experiences. It can actually cause the plant itself to dry out faster even with adequate moisture.

never thought about that. good point Gadgetguy
Don´t direct the fans on the girls. Mine got burned or dried up. When they were babies the serrated sides of the leaves bent upwards and stunted a bit. Just use fans to circulate the air in the room!