Dinafem Dinas are filling my greenhouse

check it out!
twin towers
2.0 11" in 7 days, 43" now
Sour D 13" in 7 days, 45" now.......View attachment 778460 2.0 is starting to build bud, sour d still stretchhhhhhhhing.
Wow those diesel plants are something else !, you got weed growin skills man . I think I found what my next seeds will be to get :worship::cheers:
check the big Dinas
Sour Diesel, 51"....

Critical + 2.0, 48"
Firstly thank you so much for getting this grow diary up and running very much appreciated


Secondly I must say all your plants look super health, no deficiency in sight and some really vibrant ladies :thumbsup: beautiful work mate :toke:

Again thank you for starting this outdoor endeavour and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated!

Until your next update :bong:

All the best

I've got 4 Industrial Plant CBD going. They are different from each other. The first to preflower in the greenhouse this season, D20, was thin and wispy. Narrow dark green leaves. Numerous tiny buds that didn't fill out, just stayed tiny, but got nicely resinous. Harvested her the other day, D56 from seed. She wasn't going to give anymore, I need to turn that resin to smoke, lol.....

compare her sister who has lots of buds getting filled out just as you would expect.....

this girl has the same structure and leaf as the thin girl. The 3rd CBD has an Indica looking leaf style and the 4th is somewhere between the 3rd and the first two. Lots of variation.
I speed dried some in the oven with pilot light lit. No rush or euphoria, relaxation you can feel almost immediately, you know something is going on. My wife suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2000, nerve damage has deprived her of restful sleep ever since. We've been out of smoke for a couple of weeks, just waiting on the new crop. She has been suffering. She had a cheerful voice this morn!, slept peacefully! A blessing. And, I'm getting some relief from my constant back pain, lifetime of over use injuries, trailanimal aka workanimal. Looking forward to harvest and making a bunch of canna coconut oil caps to promote a soothing background for the day's activities
I had to move some of the greenhouse girls to the wilds because of security issues. the Dinas are doing great out there! The shorter 2.0 phenos and Sour D phenos are really loading up. With luck most will be harvested before the mold and fungus season is upon me. the big girls in the greenhouse can take their sweet time, although big 2.0 seems to be really moving along
I've got 4 Industrial Plant CBD going. They are different from each other. The first to preflower in the greenhouse this season, D20, was thin and wispy. Narrow dark green leaves. Numerous tiny buds that didn't fill out, just stayed tiny, but got nicely resinous. Harvested her the other day, D56 from seed. She wasn't going to give anymore, I need to turn that resin to smoke, lol.....View attachment 781909 View attachment 781913
compare her sister who has lots of buds getting filled out just as you would expect.....View attachment 781914
this girl has the same structure and leaf as the thin girl. The 3rd CBD has an Indica looking leaf style and the 4th is somewhere between the 3rd and the first two. Lots of variation.
I speed dried some in the oven with pilot light lit. No rush or euphoria, relaxation you can feel almost immediately, you know something is going on. My wife suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2000, nerve damage has deprived her of restful sleep ever since. We've been out of smoke for a couple of weeks, just waiting on the new crop. She has been suffering. She had a cheerful voice this morn!, slept peacefully! A blessing. And, I'm getting some relief from my constant back pain, lifetime of over use injuries, trailanimal aka workanimal. Looking forward to harvest and making a bunch of canna coconut oil caps to promote a soothing background for the day's activities

We at Dinafem hope our high CBD autos bring some relief to both yourself and your good lady wife. Pain issues and head injuries are very bad and CBD will definitely help mate. You will have to keep us posted on how the end product works for you both :thumbsup:

Thanks for sharing mate and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!

All the best
