Photoperiod Dinamed CBD (25:1) - my first photo grow

Great read. Thanks! Evidence always beats rules of thumb.

I've been medicating this last week by pulling of a few sugar leaves from my Blue Dream CBD's and just chewing them slowly. I got ripped the first night. Then I thought can this happen of if I haven't decarbed

Im starting to be a skeptic of all i read now.


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So this is my last post for this journal.

What I learned:

1. I overfed the 2 plants. I feed every watering. Nutrient burn started after the stretch. I cut the nutes in half and it seemed to stop new leaves from the burn. But my flushing didn't seem to cause the leafs to drain and turn yellow. Next time I will feed only every second watering.

2. About half way through the flowering period, opening the tent would present an odor problem for our small house. I had to strategically place a small amounts of ONA gel at various locations before each feeding.

4. So I don't smoke much but prefer making infused coconut oil and then using that in capsule or straight into my morning coffee :). When I smoke it's just with a one hitter. I'm not much of a connoisseur, so all I can speak to is the effect:

First 2 minutes a gradual high builds up, but very very mild at that. After that it tapers off and is gone in 15 minutes; I would not personally want to drive at the phase...even at this low level of THC I feel impaired.The CDB effect becomes noticeable during this transition. This lasts for about 4 hours. I would describe the CDB effect as zero impairment, head clearing, emotionally calming. For my anxiety (I tend worry and catastrophize a lot), it's like a reboot. I feel safe. My world (work, family whatever) feels safe. I feel capable of dealing with anything in a constructive manner.

5. I've been using CDB isolate from an online dispensary here in Canada. It's very good but expensive. The Dinamed gives me the same effect/benefits but at a fraction of the price.

6. Each plant produced 35g dried.I expect that will go up next time. It could double if I veg longer than 5 weeks and perhaps scrog it.

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So this is my last post for this journal.

What I learned:

1. I overfed the 2 plants. I feed every watering. Nutrient burn started after the stretch. I cut the nutes in half and it seemed to stop new leaves from the burn. But my flushing didn't seem to cause the leafs to drain and turn yellow. Next time I will feed only every second watering.

2. About half way through the flowering period, opening the tent would present an odor problem for our small house. I had to strategically place a small amounts of ONA gel at various locations before each feeding.

4. So I don't smoke much but prefer making infused coconut oil and then using that in capsule or straight into my morning coffee :). When I smoke it's just with a one hitter. I'm not much of a connoisseur, so all I can speak to is the effect:

First 2 minutes a gradual high builds up, but very very mild at that. After that it tapers off and is gone in 15 minutes; I would not personally want to drive at the phase...even at this low level of THC I feel impaired.The CDB effect becomes noticeable during this transition. This lasts for about 4 hours. I would describe the CDB effect as zero impairment, head clearing, emotionally calming. For my anxiety (I tend worry and catastrophize a lot), it's like a reboot. I feel safe. My world (work, family whatever) feels safe. I feel capable of dealing with anything in a constructive manner.

5. I've been using CDB isolate from an online dispensary here in Canada. It's very good but expensive. The Dinamed gives me the same effect/benefits but at a fraction of the price.

6. Each plant produced 35g dried.I expect that will go up next time. It could double if I veg longer than 5 weeks and perhaps scrog it.

Nice report, thank you!
Great- it was nice reading along.
This looks like a good product. I am looking forward to growing the Dinamed Industrial Plant Autoflowering CBD next year!