My little AM CBD have cracked and went directly into the Coco that had been pre charged with Remo nutrients.

5 mil/g grow
5 Micro
5 Vitakelp
5 MagNiCal

I went ahead and used 1/3 perlite and 2/3 Coco and then I put my blue mat drip feed in before adding my Pebbles.

So about 2 or 3 days after they sprout I will water with the remainder of My Week 1 feed mixture. Then I'll set it up on week 2 feed and go auto feed from there on out. I soaked the pots good last night and then when I went out this morning they were noticeably lighter so I don't think I'm going to have a problem with the roots getting too wet early on.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
Did you like it? My friend (very serious Alien fan) hated it, but I thought it was great. Just need to treat as a stand alone film.
Did i really forgot to answer??:shrug:
Well, it was ok...the first 2 were wicked!:thumbsup:
Okay day 23 for 2 OGCBD, 1 IPCBD.
Day 2 for AMCBD.

So in the group photo the largest plant is the one I'm going to use for the competition I'll have a couple close-ups of it. I've had a lot of trouble with that girl she's been growing fast right out of the gate. I've done all kinds of things to slow her down fiddled with my lights had the fan blowing on her so hard that actually caused a little wind burn and thin leaves. She was stunted for a little bit but it's bounce back real quick so I've taken about 16 big fan leaves off her in the last 10 days. but, that's giving her the shape that I like and I think she'll stretch out into the exact kind of plant that I like. She also looks slightly underfed which in my experience with these Dinafems gives you the biggest plant.

One of my new seedlings is very happy and one looks a little bit unhappy they both started off on a 5 mil each of the basic Remo mix for seedlings. The pots are still heavy so I haven't fed again once I do feed I'm going to hook up those drip feeders and see how they work out.

I wish Tapatalk would let me post my pictures a little differently so I could have something that made more sense but this is what I got.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
ok guys so as i thought would happen im getting N tox now that im geting into flower from the Magnifical's high N content ( 3-0-0). I wish remo would have a 0-0-0 Cal Mag product.
yesterday i gave her just a water and Molasses feed to try and Shed that darn N tox a little bit and let her use up some nutes in the Pro-Mix HP
pH 6.2
all else is going well and she is growing very nicely and has a beautiful shade of green
DAY 28
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