New Grower Dinafem Autoflower // CFL // Soil

I have a TDS meter. But, I also let the water sit out for 24/48 hours minimum before any contact is made with the plant. So the likelihood of chlorine / fluoride bleaching is minimal.

Humidifier will be here tomorrow. I think they can hang on for one more day.

But I agree, they're looking good. At least I know I won't have issues with humidity in late flower!!!

Thanks for the help @Cat

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When I was in veg the humidity struggled to go above 50%, but as soon as they started flower, the humidity went up to 60-70% on a daily basis. I might need a dehumidifier. I didn't mean the chlorine in the water would bleach the leaves, but those little droplets of water act like a magnifying glass under the light, which can leave blotches on the leafs. Hope the dehumidifier helps
When I was in veg the humidity struggled to go above 50%, but as soon as they started flower, the humidity went up to 60-70% on a daily basis. I might need a dehumidifier. I didn't mean the chlorine in the water would bleach the leaves, but those little droplets of water act like a magnifying glass under the light, which can leave blotches on the leafs. Hope the dehumidifier helps

Yep, I read something about it yesterday. Thanks again for looking out!

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Day 6 - Aug. 23, 2016

Fed the ladies roughly 1qt. ea.

1 gallon of water
Floragrow - 1/4 tsp
FloraMicro - 1/4 tsp
Florabloom - 1/4 tsp

Everyone is looking good this morning. Even Lady Widow seems to be perking up.

Temp: 84.9F
RH: 35% up a little bit
Light: 24/7

I'll be switching to 20/4 light cycle tomorrow evening. Giving them 7 true days of 24/7.





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Day 6 - Afternoon update

Came home for lunch. Quite a bit of growth on the ladies since this morning. Haze and RoadRunner both showing signs of 3 finger sets. Fruit showing her 3rd node it looks like, and Ehite Widow seems to still be working to catch up but she looks good.

Also, @Cat I can see those yellow spots you warned me about on Fruit.



White Widow


Humidifier isn't here yet so I'll get it installed this evening. However RH is holding at 35% which is better than the 27% I had two days ago.

Temp: 83F

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Good morning. What's going on with this girl?


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Day 8 - Aug. 25

Good morning.

Temp: 88F
RH: 38% still having trouble getting this up, even with a small humidifier and a towel wicking from a bowl of water.

Just gave the ladies some breakfast.

1/4 ea.
Flora bloom
Flora micro
Flora grow
1 gallon water.

Each plant received 1/4 gallon or .95L

Everyone is doing great except for Lady Fruit. I dropped the thermometer on her. :( She lost one of her leaves and she has some pretty extensive spotting from where I left water sitting on her.






Thanks all, have an awesome Thursday!

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Yer Growing fast - a lot faster than mine (mine only getting about 8 hours' sunlight per day though - spring hasn't quite yet sprung this side).
Maybe dial it back on the fruit with the food. That would be my guess, but will wait for someone else to weigh in here.
Yer Growing fast - a lot faster than mine (mine only getting about 8 hours' sunlight per day though - spring hasn't quite yet sprung this side).
Maybe dial it back on the fruit with the food. That would be my guess, but will wait for someone else to weigh in here.

It's from water. I was spraying the plants because the humidity was so low. It spotted

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It's from water. I was spraying the plants because the humidity was so low. It spotted

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I had a bit of that early on in a grow, but haven't had it since. are you using water with added chemicals like chlorine or fluoride? Those can also cause issues. Again I am not an expert and I'm learning along with you