New Grower Dinafem Autoflower // CFL // Soil

No, just the one. I think it was brought in when I was mixing the soil on the back patio. It's actually a bee. I did some research this morning...

So it's really only a problem if I have a male in there. Which I better not.

Common term is Sweet Bee, if you google it.

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I thought it looked a one off kinda guy!
Ugh, well 3/4 of them had taproot coming out of the Jiffy plug. I guess I did good because I only tore two of them when trying to remove the plug from the net. :(

Lesson 1: Don't use Jiffy plugs. Or don't be a giant. It's really hard for me to be gentle with my touch.

Anyways. They're all transplanted. I'll keep a close eye on them and the first sign of stress, I will take a shit for help. Thanks everyone!!!



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Pity about the jiffy cube, but I imagine removing the outer film would be tricky. You could cut it prior to planting and hold it together by a band or something. I'm about to use root riot cubes in my next grow. I can see those little babies looking happy in their new home
Installed some sweet computer fans I had laying around for exhaust. Going to use them to add a carbon filter too when these babies start stankin the place up.

And did some shuffling around a bit today. I'll wait until this evening to grab a pic of he girls, though. They've had a rough day, gonna let them rest a while.



Also, I built this thing to fit under my basement stairs. Super in incognito after I put a magnetic sheet rock door in front of her.


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Installed some sweet computer fans I had laying around for exhaust. Going to use them to add a carbon filter too when these babies start stankin the place up.

And did some shuffling around a bit today. I'll wait until this evening to grab a pic of he girls, though. They've had a rough day, gonna let them rest a while.



Also, I built this thing to fit under my basement stairs. Super in incognito after I put a magnetic sheet rock door in front of her.


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I'm a little lazy when it comes to DIY. Your fans look ideal
Aug 21 - Day 5

The girls are looking good. Everyone is showing signs of 2nd pair of true leaves. Hoping these come in as a 3 finger set.

I've been watching them all very closely for signs of pH issues, heat, & RH.

Current stats:

Temp: 89F
RH: 30%
pH: 6.6

Lady Widow had a rough day yesterday. When I was shuffling things around I dropped an extension cord on her and tore one of her true leaves and one of her seed leaves. Her new leaf development is behind the others and understandably so. But, she looks as if she is catching back up.

My humidity has been really low. I'm going to try a few DIY methods before purchasing a humidifier. For now, I don't mind watering them with a spray bottle every few hours. I'm checking on them that often anyways.


Despite the shuffle, and desert like environment, yesterday, everyone is looking healthy!

I'm hoping the DIY humidifier will cool the air off some too, otherwise I've got to leave the door to the grow box open until I can add an intake fan. Probably, next weekend.





Thanks for the love!

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If you can raise the RH a bit.... they will like it, Seedlings like from 90% to 50% (strain varies). 30% RH is a bit too low for me.

Reduce the Temp if possible, but that one is not so bad, in my opinion anyway.... I run my girls warm side of normal.

If you have a "house fan" to blow in that direction (temp) it would help both issues.
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Yeah, I've got fans blowing in them at direction. If I crack the grow house door I can get temp to 80 pretty easily.

Something else I learned is to avoid the radiant barrier. It's too insulating and really keeps the heat in. I'll go ahead and crack the door and try to get the RH up. Thanks for the heads up @Frogster

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Yeah, I've got fans blowing in them at direction. If I crack the grow house door I can get temp to 80 pretty easily.

Something else I learned is to avoid the radiant barrier. It's too insulating and really keeps the heat in. I'll go ahead and crack the door and try to get the RH up. Thanks for the heads up @Frogster

That would be perfect.... you can use an old 2ltr clear plastic drinks bottle with the top 1/4 cut off, to make a humidity dome.... 1 per plant - works well.... put a few small holes in the end (now the top) to regulate it.... Bob's your uncle.
I have raised my own humidity by hanging a damp/wet(ish) towel in the tent. You could also make little humidity domes from plastic bottles and place over the seedling. They look like their doin great
I have raised my own humidity by hanging a damp/wet(ish) towel in the tent. You could also make little humidity domes from plastic bottles and place over the seedling. They look like their doin great
like minds @Cat