New Grower Dinafem Autoflower // CFL // Soil

I had a bit of that early on in a grow, but haven't had it since. are you using water with added chemicals like chlorine or fluoride? Those can also cause issues. Again I am not an expert and I'm learning along with you

No it was just regular water. It is because the droplets hang on the leaves and then act as a magnifying glass. Which intensifies the light. This burned the leaves. I'm no longer spraying them because I have a humidifier in the grow box now.

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Day 9 - August 26

Good morning from the Midwest.


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No it was just regular water. It is because the droplets hang on the leaves and then act as a magnifying glass. Which intensifies the light. This burned the leaves. I'm no longer spraying them because I have a humidifier in the grow box now.

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Gotcha. I usually let my humidity run low, I'm a newbie grower too so I'm in the same learning curve as you are. But your plants do look beautiful for the age. I had a NL from rqs that only had none leaf at birth and the poor thing was neglected. I feel sorry for it now, but it was my first successful beginning grow although it died too. I have a brown thumb.
Gotcha. I usually let my humidity run low, I'm a newbie grower too so I'm in the same learning curve as you are. But your plants do look beautiful for the age. I had a NL from rqs that only had none leaf at birth and the poor thing was neglected. I feel sorry for it now, but it was my first successful beginning grow although it died too. I have a brown thumb.

You'll get there. I did about 8 weeks of research before I started. So, I feel like I'm in a decent place to start.

Lots of things I've learned so far, like remove everything from the area before messing around. I've dropped an extension cord on white widow and my phone, and the thermometer on Fruit. Which has obviously stunted her.

I've got the lights sitting on the plants today. About 4" off. I've been rotating placement of the lights every other day. Tomorrow I'll raise them up to about 8". This allows hem to stretch but not too much. I don't want 4' plants lol.

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You'll get there. I did about 8 weeks of research before I started. So, I feel like I'm in a decent place to start.

Lots of things I've learned so far, like remove everything from the area before messing around. I've dropped an extension cord on white widow and my phone, and the thermometer on Fruit. Which has obviously stunted her.

I've got the lights sitting on the plants today. About 4" off. I've been rotating placement of the lights every other day. Tomorrow I'll raise them up to about 8". This allows hem to stretch but not too much. I don't want 4' plants lol.

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My biggest issue now space. if I had the height I'd let them stretch to monsters just for the giggles :). Thanks for the encouragement too. This place is great, everyone helps everyone out.
Day 10 - Aug 27

Ladies are looking great today! I added some rock to the medium to diffuse waterings. It looks nice too.






Went to my local store and grabbed some CaliMagic, Rapid Start, and a new hygrometer. Come to find out my RH is actually 49% not the 20% I've been seeing with the old unit.

The shop threw in some freebies today too:

GH ArmorSi - silica
GH Floralicious Plus - acids and other great stuff
GreatWhite Mycorrhizae - bacteria and trichoderma


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It's gonna be sweet, @MissUniverse

We just ordered our LEDs as well. We went with the Viparspectra PAR600. They are getting amazing reviews and a fraction of the cost of KIND and other name brands.

So geeked out!




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Day 13 - August 30

Good morning! The ladies are looking amazing! Even Lady Fruit has started to bounce back finally!

She's definitely stunted, but from all the miracle stories I read on here, I decided to let her do her own thing, and grow, grow, grow!!!

Lots of side branching starting already I think these ladies are gonna be high producers for me!

Gonna keep them under the CFLs for at least another week, or until I start to see pre-flower, then I'm going to install the new LEDs.

Will do a relocation into the grow tent on Wednesday night, with added carbon filter cause these ladies are smelling oh so good already!!!

That's enough chatter let's see the girls!!!

I took a main picture with the name cards, and the following photo is the same girl but under her skirt, except for Fruit, I'm afraid to touch her, hahahaha!






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