Dialing In MEGA CROP for Auto's

WAY over fed! And how close is your light? Lots of causes for droop near the end of the light cycle, could just be your plant has reached it's DLI peak and just can't process any more for the day. It could be from being over fed, you need to fix that issue first. I've never run more than 600 ppms of MC!
WAY over fed! And how close is your light? Lots of causes for droop near the end of the light cycle, could just be your plant has reached it's DLI peak and just can't process any more for the day. It could be from being over fed, you need to fix that issue first. I've never run more than 600 ppms of MC!

Light ranges from 20" - 30" depending on the position of the pots. 600w HPS in a parabolic reflector.

My well water's ppm is 500 !

Pretty well following their feeding schedule but backing off Now :thumbsup:

Just water today....

Thank you !

I'm very familiar with nutrient burn with AN but this totally different.

New growth leaves are lighter in color and corkscrewed with barely a hint of yellowing tips. Plus the drooping of course !

Cheers, Don
Light ranges from 20" - 30" depending on the position of the pots. 600w HPS in a parabolic reflector.

My well water's ppm is 500 !

Pretty well following their feeding schedule but backing off Now :thumbsup:

Just water today....

Thank you !

I'm very familiar with nutrient burn with AN but this totally different.

New growth leaves are lighter in color and corkscrewed with barely a hint of yellowing tips. Plus the drooping of course !

Cheers, Don
Hell..........that could be a problem in organics with the wrong minerals. I'd do something about that.
Hell..........that could be a problem in organics with the wrong minerals. I'd do something about that.

Well water with ProMix HP which does not need to be ph adjusted.

Day 51...

Gelato, no training.

Gelato 28 Feb.jpg

King Gelato, topped once and LST.

King Gelato 28 Feb.jpg

ProMix HP which does not need to be ph adjusted.

Ph is a different animal than PPM's. If your well water is that high in PPM's, there is a lot in there, maybe too much calcium or something else? And whatever those 500ppm are, they add to the feeding PPM.

I have high ppm well water here, so started collecting rain water, which is 0 ppm.

Most folks using MC seem to feed in the 500ppm range or 1.0 EC and get very nice results. That's the numbers i use as well
Ph is a different animal than PPM's. If your well water is that high in PPM's, there is a lot in there, maybe too much calcium or something else? And whatever those 500ppm are, they add to the feeding PPM.

I have high ppm well water here, so started collecting rain water, which is 0 ppm.

Most folks using MC seem to feed in the 500ppm range or 1.0 EC and get very nice results. That's the numbers i use as well

I understand my well water ppm's are going to contribute to how much the plants can take and that is what this grow is all about.

BTW> I'm all done with hauling water and not interested in whatever it takes to treat it.

For auto's being fed what they have I think they are not doing too bad....

Fingers crossed, I do not want to have to go back to AN :biggrin:

I'd like to thank Everyone that has commented and/or offered suggestions. Both to my posts and to this thread in general !

This may not be my first rodeo but first with MC and I like to think I have an open mind and appreciate any help I can get.

And if we, collectively, can help new growers be successful isn't that what this forum is all about...
