Depression and Suicide

Good morning!

We don't watch boxing...Who won?
We follow baseball...San Francisco Giants!
There are 3 brothers with the name Molina...all catchers for different teams. No relation to the boxing Molina.

We are sitting outside til it gets too hot.
Hope everyone is having a nice day.
High guys,

Hope all is well. I raise this issue because in the last 10 years I have lost most of my friends through depression and then eventually suicide.

As someone who suffers from depression, I've noticed that there,is,a stigma attached to men I'm general who are depressed..feeling depressed or just need someone to talk to.

My life,experiences have brought me to,where I am today, I have tried suicide in the past and wish I had not have, because when I look back in that time of my life, I had a beautiful daughter who at the,time I didn't know bit she idolized me.

And to think back at the,pain I could,have caused,her and the rest of my family I think that adds to the depression in a way.

I see on her a,place for all the vets to hang out and talk about their issues, life experiences or just somewhere to blow of some steam, but never .. On any other forum seen a thread for,this kind of issue....because men are men and we don't need to talk about things.... Well I'm here to say that we do.

So basically all I would like is for this thread to remain open..i can look after it if need,be...for people like me who are depressed... Mentally wounded....anything on your get it out in the open. I find a problem shared is a problem halved.

Dont wanna lower the tone, but when this affects your neighbour hood as it has affected mine, then maybe I think it,needs,more attention...

Peace and love ❤
To touch on the subject of looking back at the pain "you caused" your family and daughter. You probably already know that holding onto that brings nothing good. You were a different person then, it's quite easy to realize, moment to moment to moment you are consecutively a new person. It's always helped me knowing that I was a different person at that time and everything has it's purpose. Your attempt at your life can be personally viewed as a low point. Which IS necessary, you can't enjoy the light with out the dark. There's no sunny days unless there are rainstorms. Contrast is essential, I'm sure your daughter still looks up to you and if she knew that this was still causing you grief she would be proud of all that you made it through! I hope these words help assist in your healing and personal forgiveness, brother. If you need anything, We are here for you brother! I don't know you but I love you and i am so glad you are still here co creating with all of us. Much love, Bailey:bighug:
As someone who has suffered from depression since my early teenage years, I know Life sometimes seems so pointless and bleak but there are always Sunny daze and I'm glad you are still here to see them :joy:
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Wow so glad I found this I'm 25 and went through a lot of abuse in elementary school no one even knows all my parents know is I was fine and happy until 3rd grade then something just snapped and I'd never been normal since

I suffer from an eye condition called achromatopsia and have never had much luck with people in general I can't drive holding a job has been difficult to say the least and we'll no woman wants a guy that can't drive or doesn't make a lot of money. I can't get disability because supposedly I'm not disabled enough (I honestly don't want it anyways) I was a security consultant for 8 years that messed me up even more so with ptsd and such alcohol was my medication of choice for years but been sober for the last 2 years (although I'm fighting with that right now trying not to pick up the bottle again) cannabis really helps but sadly I live with my parents when I retired from my last career so growing isn't something I can do other than in the winter time even then I just hold my breath

It just sucks when people best you down at every turn because you can't see perfect and no one gives you the chance I wish I could get into the cannabis business and start making enough money to support myself but sadly not around these parts of the us. It just seems no matter what I do I can't get ahead I have to pay 750 bucks a year for colored contacts out of pocket because insurance says they are orly cosmetic it's like you dumbasses if I don't have these I can't see durring the day

Luckily a fellow afn member and I are going to try and team up this spring but we will see how that goes. I'm just glad that my feelings of rage and loneliness are not just me I literally go weeks without talking to people and that's not good but I don't ever get out so yeah

Thanks to the op for having this thread open for people to talk
Hi freedom, So glad you found this thread too!
It's a good place to vent. And we listen.
Congratulations on 2 years sober! Cannabis is much better for you imo.

I hope you will return here when you feel like shutting the world out.
Looking forward to spring!