Depression and Suicide

Hopefully it all works out I need to find a new home not easy when you don't have a lot of money but I am hoping it all works out,any place even this really bad trailer park would be a home for me ,I just want to move on ,tired of being called names and watching a girl I have been with for 3 and a half years text a dude and start a relationship with just want to start over ,and growing pot saved my life ,found something that fits me .
I'm gonna figure this out some how I know I can't be down for ever,been down for so long its beginning to look up to me shit I never had a whole lot makes me appreciate what I got and I have my afn family means the world to me ,shit what doesn't kill you may make you wish you were dead but I'm gonna only be more scarred up beat down and I will survive not giving up
I got love for all my afn family,really don't have anyone to talk to except my hard knock life mom and you guys thank you I'm gonna bounce back I know it
And I would like to say rip to my best friend who lost his life in the struggle never forgotten I miss you man ,still here but someday together not giving up ever not j
I at least have some herb she says she's gonna keep my baby boy from me sucks love my son only time will tell though
She's been dumping kush down the toilet to get back at me lil does she know I got e nuff stashed
Man evil comes to mind can't believe it I'm a chill dude second bong she's broke also