Depression and Suicide

And I feel bad for the dudes she's more than a pretty face ,I mean that as a warning and not a compliment I guess someone else has got to learn to ,she says she started drinking again cuz of me and she won't anymore she's got a man that makes her happy I said to her but how long is he gonna be happy lol
I'm sure when I got a home I will have freedom and a friend to not a social guy rather awkward and nerdy but I seem to do ok with the lady's I mean I get em maybe not ok but I usually got admirers I guess definitely not a pretty boy and I ain't first class but I know my lonely ness is a choice or my disposition ,really escape is what I need had plenty problems before probably won't want more adding another one lol
I have been sober for 3 and a half years recently my x girlfriend started drinking and staying out all nite I watched our son with lil complaints and held everything together even though it was falling apart something happens to this girl when she drinks she becomes totally different,almost evil and she does disgusting things with guys I was with her while sober but I remember when we used to drink and how she gets down ,just the beginning to my sad story she actually says I'm dumb and retarded and makes fun of some of my autistic traits ,constantly calling me names and doing me completely bad

That sucks. Get to an AA meeting and find support, Brother.. When someone goes sober it changes the relationship. Things often get worse rather than better. Now you are on the co-dependent end of things. Really man, get to a support group and get out of that situation. That is spiritual and mental abuse. Nobody deserves that.
Doing better today,gotta find a new home but I got some time really not a lot but I got this ,not worried bout ol girl told her that she seems worried lol it can't work and I won't back down,I am watched over spiritually and she can't dig or relate I got faith.things maybe hard fuck man momma told me shit ain't easy and it sure ain't fair so I'm good.
I wish I had a friend to toke with I got the smoke plenty,just need a friend

I'll share a smoke with you dankstyle sounds like you are having a shit time..:bighug:..I'm Sorry for that and hope things straighten out for you soon.