New Grower Dell does fast buds

Dell does fast buds week 8
Hello fellow growers its been a quiet week the girls are just budding nice the green planet nutes are doing a grand job
here are my girls

Here is bubblegum she is starting to smell sweet as fck
Bubblegum wk8.jpg

Here is wedding cake she has a nice smell
Wedding cake wk8.jpg

Here is cali snow she stinks to high heaven all ready
Cali snow top wk8.jpg

As you can see they are budding and starting to frost up so all is happy in the growdrobe.
Happy growing till next week
Hello fellow growers its been a quiet week the girls are just budding nice the green planet nutes are doing a grand job
here are my girls

Here is bubblegum she is starting to smell sweet as fck
View attachment 1294294

Here is wedding cake she has a nice smell
View attachment 1294295

Here is cali snow she stinks to high heaven all ready
View attachment 1294297

As you can see they are budding and starting to frost up so all is happy in the growdrobe.
Happy growing till next week
how is the smell outside the wardrobe does any escape and they look fire my friend
how is the smell outside the wardrobe does any escape and they look fire my friend
Helo st no you cant smell nothing out side its all sealed with draft excluder on the doors and mastic all the joints and i have two extracter fans both with huge carbon filters on that are in a diffrent room from the grow but once you open the doors it blows your head off lol
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Dell does fast buds week 9
Hello fellow growers well my fastbud girls are doing fine they are budding up and smeling sweet coming into wk 9
So here are my girls
Bubblegum wk 9 looking frosty
Bubblegum wk9.jpg

Here is wedding cake wk 9 she is a small girl but stink like hell and she starting to frost
Wedding wk9.jpg

Here is cali snow wk9 she smells so nice she is a frosty girl aswell
Caili snow wk9.jpg

Thanks for looking till next week happy growing
Hello fellow growers well my fastbud girls are doing fine they are budding up and smeling sweet coming into wk 9
So here are my girls
Bubblegum wk 9 looking frostyView attachment 1296689

Here is wedding cake wk 9 she is a small girl but stink like hell and she starting to frost
View attachment 1296694

Here is cali snow wk9 she smells so nice she is a frosty girl aswell
View attachment 1296695

Thanks for looking till next week happy growing
looking superb del
Dell does fast buds week 10
Hello fellow growers it has been another truble free week for my girls just a bit of light defol they are starting to get some nice buds on them the smell is amazing very sweet and sickley mmmmm
Here are my girls

Here is Bubble gum she is nice and sticky frost every where

Here is wedding cake she is small but she is the most stinky
Wedding cake wk10.jpg

Here is cali snow she is looking so good
Cali snow wk10.jpg

Thank you for stopping to have a look happy growing till next week
Hello fellow growers it has been another truble free week for my girls just a bit of light defol they are starting to get some nice buds on them the smell is amazing very sweet and sickley mmmmm
Here are my girls

Here is Bubble gum she is nice and sticky frost every where
View attachment 1299450

Here is wedding cake she is small but she is the most stinky
View attachment 1299453

Here is cali snow she is looking so good
View attachment 1299454

Thank you for stopping to have a look happy growing till next week
They're all looking healthy and happy, how are the seedlings coming on :smoking: ?
They're all looking healthy and happy, how are the seedlings coming on :smoking: ?
Hello ye they doing good gave them away to a good home as they where photos and i am running autos only noticed when i was checking what beans i had left