Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

Yes I'm still alive and so is my new attempt at DWC. Was gone all weekend again and my a/c went out so heat was really high. Seems to have not had too much negative affect but still scared me. Here she is at 17 days - looking pretty good I think. A few roots are hanging and they'll just get more and more before long.
Yes I'm still alive and so is my new attempt at DWC. Was gone all weekend again and my a/c went out so heat was really high. Seems to have not had too much negative affect but still scared me. Here she is at 17 days - looking pretty good I think. A few roots are hanging and they'll just get more and more before long. View attachment 592299View attachment 592300
Looks like a fine grow.
Wow I'm finally getting some updates for you all. Nothing major to report. She's growing just fine. Short and bushy so far.
Not sure what my readings should be but I'm about 680 ppm and 7.2 ph. I know I've asked but please remind me where I should be on that. I think I'm ok but just to be sure..
May not have more updates for a week as I'll be gone camping but my daughter will be here taking care of things...

About 26 days old so I think she's doing good for her age.