Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

Just wanted to let you know after scanning over your thread ,just remember not to foliar spray anything in bloom at all,you probably know that but thought it worth mentioning.
I take most of the "hopeless" popcorns and leaves from the base and any very damaged leaves from the top don't remove any leaves that have good real estate in order to open up the canopy or anything as they are already absorbing good light.
prepare to dial back nutes abit as she will start to need slightly less of a hot mix reason being because being a large size they need a lot of h20 so if you make it to hot ,it will get hotter as she drinks the water out and when the ppms get to high the Ph will drop out . all plants have there own sweet spot you will find hers the hard way or the easy way . go above and it won't burn right away but the ph will drop amazingly quickly out of range.

^^-Pulling down side branching opening up more for light ,loads of new buds that developed in center and start to grow out with the others ;) Atypical tip #99 ;) haha