Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

Update after the weekend. Came home to an almost 44" tall girl. Had to tie her top over a bit to get it off the light...2-3" left to light and not much more room to raise it. Plant looks healthy except for spots on some of the lower leaves...any ideas to what might be causing it? Still have a ways to go on this one so I'd like to get that worked out sooner than later. Here's a pic of one of the leaves with spots. If this isn't good enough I can get another tomorrow when lights are out.
Foliage Spray it with a teaspoon per quart of Epsom Salt for very quick results. Also add 1 to 2 TBLS per gallon of Epsom Salt in your next watering and 1 teaspoon to every watering from now on. Your girls need extra mg. Indoor plants are notorious mg whores. Epsom Salt is very safe with almost instantaneous results.

The use of Epsom Salts in cannabis growing cannot be IMHO overstated. Magnesium is necessary for plant growth in all it's stages, Seedlings, early veg, veg into flower benefit greatly with regular watering of Epsom Salt. A 1-2 TBLS per gallon every 4 weeks, with weekly small doses either foliage spray (daily if needed) or soil drench. Will keep your plants GREEN and no spots from a cal/mg issue.
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That bitch is lanky as hell
Is she going to be able to pack on weight woth spacing that great??