Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

I'm glad for you. I wish I would of never fucked mine up seems like I've wasted almost 2 months of work now

Damn it @jtrain252 several people have told you that you are doing great and that your problem isn't that bad, you haven't done anything that bad to your plants and you are still going to have a super beast on your hands. Don't worry dude jeez man, I know it can seem like all that effort when you have a problem and your plant isn't growing perfectly is in vane but it isn't. Again please trust us and I think your plant looks just as good as both of these above, so honestly man you are trippin for nothin.

Sorry @dcat0921 didn't mean to hijack, but J has been freakin out thinkin his plants are ruined due to a little calmag spotting and I am doing my best to get him to understand that he is blowing it way out of proportion
@jtrain252 I am sorry for yelling at you, I completely forgot about your ClearRez issue that happened and didn't realize the extent of the damage that it did. I honestly forgot what ClearRez was until @HotBunz reminded me that it is basically pool shock. I was thinking it was something like Hydroguard or somethin like that. Annnnyway back to your grow Dcat, I mean wowser dude that thing is just beastly I love it!
I am telling you between you and @AKsteel I just might have to cheat on Dutch Passion and get me some of these HBBSS, I mean they are huge and from what I know about Mephisto they are ALL frosty as shit! So yall both keep up the great work, and I would love to see a picture of the roots if you get a chance @dcat0921 :) :) you know some of us are just fiends for the root porn lol