Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

Yes to the outdoor foursome! They're looking much better now Cat... Flippin bubble bucket's a wild thang tho eh? She's looking great too, bigger than I'm used to tho. [emoji6]

No kidding. Only my second bucket girl and they've both been this big. I think this one is even wider with more branches coming up. Last one was more Christmas tree shape and this is just big fat bush...

And I'm happy with how the outdoor one is coming along as well - hopefully get something off her..
Updated lunch time pics...buds starting to fill in really well. Several nice tall branches on this girl.

Really loving this girl..
Here are some pics before the weekend with lights out. Buds starting to fill in a bit. Ready for the big swell for sure!!

Hard to get good pics when she takes up the whole tent and my camera flash on my phone only gets so much.
For day 63 I was thinking my last one the bud development was further along so I'm thinking I've got a long ways to go on this girl.. Not that I'm in a hurry. I'd rather have her go longer and finish up correctly than hurry and run into whatever issue I had last time.
Have a great weekend everyone [emoji106]
For day 63 I was thinking my last one the bud development was further along so I'm thinking I've got a long ways to go on this girl.. Not that I'm in a hurry. I'd rather have her go longer and finish up correctly than hurry and run into whatever issue I had last time.
Have a great weekend everyone [emoji106]

bro if the buds on this lady fill out like we hope you will be sportin one of the shiny 1lb plant badges