Photoperiod Db003's - Mars Pro II 320 - photoperiod grow - Coco- Lucas Formula FNB - Closet Grow

time for a update I just gave these seedlings some water I made 2 gallons of water it had 1/4 of a teaspoon of floranova bloom per gallon and some plant success orca at 1/4 of a teaspoon per gallon it was ph. to 5.8

these plants are between day [HASHTAG]#19[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#16[/HASHTAG] from seed

time for a update I just gave these plants some water I bumped up the nutes for the first time I made 2 gallons of water it had 1/2 of a teaspoon of floranova bloom per gallon and just a tiny bit of general hydroponics armor si silica that I used as ph. up it was ph. to 5.8

I took one of the plants out to get a good look at it and I decided to wait a little bit longer before I start my mainlining training on them that way I could try and clone the tops that I cut off and the main stem could have a bit more time to get thicker

these plants are between day [HASHTAG]#21[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#18[/HASHTAG] from seed

time for a update I did a ton of work on these plants today and took a ton of pictures first a watering update and then all the training I did on them p.s. I did all the training first and then watered them

I just gave these plants some water I made 2 gallons of water it had 1/2 of a teaspoon of floranova bloom per gallon it was ph. to 5.9

now for the training ok I decided to finally start my mainline training on the plants I did them one by one first I topped one plant and took the piece I topped and trimmed it up for a clone and dipped it in some root tech gel and planted it in a solo cup with pre soaked coco

then after the clone was planted I trimmed all the excess off the plants and just left the two main shoots from the third node for a text book start of a mainline I did the same process for all 3 plants

at first I was not going to clone these plants but I found a bag with a little coco in it so I said what the hell why not I just used the main tops as clones they were still very small so if the dont make it its ok and if they do that would be awesome I took some old clear 1 gallon water bottles and cut the tops off and used them as a make shift dome for the clones just to help keep the moister in

now I have to wait for the plants to grow back out so I can top them again

the Cheesus is in day [HASHTAG]#23[/HASHTAG] of veg

the Tangerine Dream is in day # 21 of veg

the Sharks breath is in day [HASHTAG]#20[/HASHTAG] of veg

some more of the pics

the last of the pics from this update

time for a update I just gave these plants some water I made 2 gallons of water it had 1/2 of a teaspoon of floranova bloom for both gallons and some plant success orca at 1/2 of a teaspoon it was ph. to 5.9

its only been 2 days since I did the main line training and I can already see that the two main shoots on each plant has gotten bigger I was a bit worried since I have never done main line training and its a very aggressive form of training

these plants are between day [HASHTAG]#25[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#22[/HASHTAG] from seed

time for a update I just gave these plants some water I made 2 gallons of water it had 1/2 of a teaspoon of floranova bloom for both gallons and some plant success orca at 1/2 of a teaspoon it was ph. to 5.9

I decided to add another plant to this grow I will pick a seed and start to germinate it today with this plant I will be planting it in the kind soil sample I got and some roots organic soil as the top half of the pot and it will be feed water only from start to finish

I will let the plant grow as much as it can before I go in to flower with the other plants that are in this grow

the seed I picked is from Emerald Triangle seeds the strain is Blueberry Headband here is some info on the seed I picked

This super high yielder, known for its vigorous veg growth and tight internodal stacking will produce long, large colas. Blueberry Headband has heavy diesel overtones with sweet berry undertones, with the Pre-98 Bubba providing a peppery bite. This plant has a quicker finish than the other strains within this mix. This strain is highly resistant to mold, mildew and PM. An unmistakable triumph for every serious smoker to enjoy.

Genetics: '76 Blueberry X Emerald OG X Cali Sour D X Pre '98 Bubba
Indica/Sativa: 50/50
Yield: High
Harvest: 9 weeks / early Oct.
Stature: Tall and lanky

these plants are between day [HASHTAG]#27[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#24[/HASHTAG] from seed

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well I just checked on my Blueberry Headband seed from Emerald Triangle seeds and its has a tail I just took it out of water I left to soak over night and transferred it to a paper towel in a small zip lock bag until tomorrow and I will check on it again to see if the tail is long enough to plant

I just hope that this seed can get a to be a nice sized plant before I have to go in to flower when the other ones are done getting there main line training but its all good what ever size it gets to I will go in to flower anyway

p.s. the clones I tired to take from the tops of the plants died but its all good I got seeds for days so its no big deal that's why I planted this one

the pics are a shot from when I first put the seed in water to soak and of one of when I took it out of the water this morning and its got a tail all ready

time for a update I just gave these plants some water I made 2 gallons of water it had 1/2 of a teaspoon of floranova bloom for both gallons it was ph. to 5.8

I did some training on the plants that are getting mainlined but I had a big mistake happen today when I was training one of the plants the branch snapped clean off I was so pissed at least if it just broke I could put some tape but what can you do so I just clipped the other side to match

to be honest it could have been much worse and I could have lost the whole plant but it still has a few nodes so it will grow back

I also planted the seed I was germinating in some roots organic soil it had a small tap root still but I think it will be ok I hope it was watered with some plain water that was ph. to 6.5 I used some pure citric acid powder to lower the ph. since normal ph. down is not recommended with kind soil I just want to start the plant off with what it says to use

I will wait till the seed gets bigger and transplant it to a pot with roots organic soil and kind soil

these plants are between day [HASHTAG]#29[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#26[/HASHTAG] from seed
