Grow Mediums db003's - glueberry skunk auto tester - nightcrawler og auto tester - Mars II 700

Yeah, scrogging is fun, I don't have the room for it these days though.
time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler og auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done water these autos I made 1 gallon of water it had 2ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 1ml of start R per gallon it was ph. to 5.9 I gave them a bit over a quarter of a gallon each until they got a bit of run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#10[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler og auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done water these autos I made 1 gallon of water it had 2ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 1ml of start R per gallon it was ph. to 5.9 I gave them a bit over a quarter gallon of water each until they got a bit of run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#12[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler og auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done water these autos I made 1 gallon of water it had 4ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of start R per gallon it was ph. to 5.9 I gave them a bit over a quarter gallon of water each until they got a bit of run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#14[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done water these autos I made 1 gallon of water it had 4ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of start R per gallon it was ph. to 6.0 I split the whole gallon between them I did not get any run off this time so I might make 2 gallon next time

you can see the indica dominate genetics showing on the nightcrawler OG auto I am real happy about that I love a good indica and the glueberry skunk auto is a nice mix of both but they are still young I still need to give them some time to see how the develop

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#16[/HASHTAG] from sprout

look at what I just got in the mail! I got some Cheshire Grin Organic Worm Casting Liquid Extract that I will be testing out in my current grow they sent me out 4 gallons and some rolling papers as well I would like to thank Cheshire Grin and Critical Mass Collective and TOP SHELF ELITE for the opportunity to test some awesome genetics that I am growing right now a great product to try out I will talk about it more in my next video update

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done water these autos I made one and a half gallons of water it had 4ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of start R per gallon so a total of 6ml of A and B and 3 ml of start R and I also gave the glueberry skunk auto only some Cheshire Grin Organic Worm Casting Liquid Extract I gave it 90ml directly to the soil to do a side by side comparison the water was ph. to 5.8 I split the water between them till I got some run off

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#18[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water it had 6ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 3ml of start R per gallon so a total of 12ml of A and B and 6 ml of start R the water was ph. to 5.8 I split the water between them till I got some run off

since these plants are in day 20 from sprout I decided to give them a full dose of nutes and see how they react I also removed a few leaves from the bottom of the plants that were in the way of watering just a set of single blade leaves and a set of 3 blade leaves

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#20[/HASHTAG] from sprout
