Day 68 - White widow auto in auto pots

Sep 30, 2021
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Hi guys,

My plants have been looking like this for a while. I’m giving them 53ml/10L terra flores, 25ml/10L cannazym, 30ml/10L cannaboozt, 3,75ml/10L rhizotonic. pH is now 6,5. Had some problems with pH before it was to low for some time. Should i harvest now before they get worse or what do you guys think i can do?
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Hi guys,

My plants have been looking like this for a while. I’m giving them 53ml/10L terra flores, 25ml/10L cannazym, 30ml/10L cannaboozt, 3,75ml/10L rhizotonic. pH is now 6,5. Had some problems with pH before it was to low for some time. Should i harvest now before they get worse or what do you guys think i can do?

Hello ^_^

I think you may be overfeeding a touch, but thats not the issue here - the plants look underfed (pale dying leaves), but that's most likely due to PH lockout.
I feed an autoflower this size 20ml of Flores per FIVE litres of water (thats 4ml per litre) .. I don't bother with the canna boost or cannazyme or rhizotonic, but do like Dutch Pro Explode (which is a flowering booster like Canna boost - not organic, and not as gloopy (which could clog your lines unless you're using the latest generation autopots with the bigger tubes)

What kind of soil are you using?

In answer to your questions, I wouldn't harvest yet try and fix the feed and see it through until the white hairs are turning orange and receeding, or the effects will be "uppy . and mild" (what i would consider annoying rather than relaxing) - I looks like it could be done in a couple of weeks.

Utimately you don't smoke the leaves .. and i've seen (and done) just as manky leaves and still managed to harvest.

Hope thi helps

Blue ^_^
You can lower pH ~0.5ph per half cup Epsom salt for a gallon of coco, Probably a little bit more needed for soil. See my most recent post in my journal for more details

maybe try 1/4 cup, dissolve in warm water just till you get enough run off to test. I always try and use 6.0pH for runoff testing because that is what i am aiming for, though water pH has very litttle impact on soil/medium pH from my testing.
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You are in coco right? this is based on coco only.

You are in a lock-out for sure so don't chase the exhibited phoshorous deficiencies concentrate on fertigating with balanced nutrients 450 PPM PH to 5.8 () to 20% run-off at least twice a day for a week. Then up the PPM to 550. I am not counting your starting water PPM. If starting water is less than 80 or greater than 200 PPM we need to talk about it. It looks like you may have moved to the Flora a too soon so a 50/50 mix of Vega/Flora for that first week then 25-75 the following week then the Flora only?

You can lower pH ~0.5ph per half cup Epsom salt for a gallon of coco, Probably a little bit more needed for soil. See my most recent post in my journal for more details

maybe try 1/4 cup, dissolve in warm water just till you get enough run off to test. I always try and use 6.0pH for runoff testing because that is what i am aiming for, though water pH has very litttle impact on soil/medium pH from my testing.
You must have done the math wrong somewhere, .5 cup of Epsom Salt Weighs ~198g The PPM in one gallon would be over 25,000 PPM you only need 70 PPM 190 PPM with the Sulfur tops.

2021-12-12_22-18-34.jpgNutrient Guide.jpg
You are in coco right? this is based on coco only.

You are in a lock-out for sure so don't chase the exhibited phoshorous deficiencies concentrate on fertigating with balanced nutrients 450 PPM PH to 5.8 () to 20% run-off at least twice a day for a week. Then up the PPM to 550. I am not counting your starting water PPM. If starting water is less than 80 or greater than 200 PPM we need to talk about it. It looks like you may have moved to the Flora a too soon so a 50/50 mix of Vega/Flora for that first week then 25-75 the following week then the Flora only?

You must have done the math wrong somewhere, .5 cup of Epsom Salt Weighs ~198g The PPM in one gallon would be over 25,000 PPM you only need 70 PPM 190 PPM with the Sulfur tops.

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I have no idea. That’s the ec I got when mixing ~1/2 cup epsom salt into ~1 gallon coco, using ~250ml of 0.7 tap water to dilute the salts. I may have done something wrong but I don’t think so
I have no idea. That’s the ec I got when mixing ~1/2 cup epsom salt into ~1 gallon coco, using ~250ml of 0.7 tap water to dilute the salts. I may have done something wrong but I don’t think so
View attachment 1396576
Yep you got 600PPM of magnesium and sulfur attached to that coco and until after you grow some plants to harvest in that stop telling other people to do it. Or show me the science that says it is ok.
Yep you got 600PPM of magnesium and sulfur attached to that coco and until after you grow some plants to harvest in that stop telling other people to do it. Or show me the science that says it is ok.
I suggested lower strength, and see people using epsom salt a lot in gardening and suggesting way more than I am using.

I have used it myself, just not while being aware of its effect on ph or while measuring its effects on ec. I’m doing that now.

I wouldn’t suggest anything I wouldn’t expect to have good results.

I think gypsum would be better or used in combination with the Epsom salts actually. Final answer
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I suggested lower strength, and see people using epsom salt a lot in gardening and suggesting way more than I am using.

I have used it myself, just not while being aware of its effect on ph or while measuring its effects on ec. I’m doing that now.

I wouldn’t suggest anything I wouldn’t expect to have good results.
Oh yes I use and recommend Epsom Salt when indicated but I am talking 1g to 4g per gallon of nutrient mix. 1g of 9%Mg 12%S Epsom Salt will raise the PPM of a nutrient solution ~65 PPM Hanna.
You can lower pH ~0.5ph per half cup Epsom salt for a gallon of coco, Probably a little bit more needed for soil. See my most recent post in my journal for more details

maybe try 1/4 cup, dissolve in warm water just till you get enough run off to test. I always try and use 6.0pH for runoff testing because that is what i am aiming for, though water pH has very little impact on soil/medium pH from my testing.
:nono: What the hell, a quarter cup?! = :redcross: you will kill the already sick plant doing this, sorry but that is absolutely bad advise mate... MoG is right, that's an insane amount of epsom salt, well beyond toxicity levels, and also why would you use epsoms to shift pH?!
There are products are made to alter pH up or down, with less unwanted ion loading for this very reason. [H+] for when pH is too high, hydroxide [OH-] when too acidic. Clearly you don't understand basic acid-base chemistry, nor the antagonistic uptake issues created when you bombard the media with too much ion load....
Meters have a limited range which they are designed to measure... that load exceeds the meters capacity for sure, so what reading you get is gibberish. BTW one look at that coco tells me it's way to dry for a proper measurement in the first place, and so far as I know such a meter is for liquids only...

Coco needs larger amounts of Ca to deal with it's peculiar CEC properties, Mg to a much lesser extent... it requires a (not pH) type of buffering to load up the particles and achieve a saturation level that allows ready binding and release exchange in order for the Ca to kept available for uptake. Good quality brands have this done already, or at least partly; many redo it just to cover their butts anyway.... Bury it in excess Mg and SO4 and you'll have instant shit-show problems, to say nothing of the Sulfate anion issues!

It's the nutrient solution's job to keep all nutes in supply... Coco is basically a hydroponic medium, hence the "soilless" classification; run properly it involves large amounts of nute soln. going in and more importantly, out...20+% run off every time, to purge unused nutes out, replenish what was and keep the ion load and pH in proper range.... Besides, we don't know what medium Whatta is using yet, which will be a key factor in fixing this mess....

Sick Bay here is a place for people to come and get safe, sound advise from experienced growers... nobody get's hacked on for grow mistakes here, I should know after doing this for 7 years before taking a break... But we can't tolerate guesswork and outright bad advise, however well meaning it is...:smoker1:



Hi guys,

My plants have been looking like this for a while. I’m giving them 53ml/10L terra flores, 25ml/10L cannazym, 30ml/10L cannaboozt, 3,75ml/10L rhizotonic. pH is now 6,5. Had some problems with pH before it was to low for some time. Should i harvest now before they get worse or what do you guys think i can do?
....hey bud, ignore the epsom advise about for gawds sake, OK?

Meantime, we need more info about this grow... There's a patient info form in the Sticky section above this one, just c/p it into here and fill in please,...
I see a host of issues here, and to untangle it we need pertinent info!
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