New Grower Day 1, First Grow Fast Buds Six Shooter Auto

Under the Dutch Passion subforum on here there is a grow journal by @TaNg that has a lot of good information on watering and properly using nutrients. He uses Advanced Nutrients and not the Fox Farms Trio like you are, but it’s good information nonetheless. This links is:

With regards to getting seeds, I really like Mephisto Genetics. They give you several different payment options, including bitcoin. They include copious freebies. And they don’t go through customs. I have also used The Vault out of the U.K. they have some of the best stealth shipping I’ve seen.

As for the light, it’s dancing a fine line between stretchiness and compaction. Too far away and the plant stretches. Too close and it stunts. For most LEDs that I’ve seen, the sweet spot seems to be between 20” and 30”. I know that’s a lot, but you just have to play around with it a bit to get it dialed in.

I read a lot about growing - not as much as @archie gemmill - but I read a lot and, if I don’t know the answer to something, I can usually point you in the right direction. Just tag me with an @ and I’ll help in any way I can.
Under the Dutch Passion subforum on here there is a grow journal by @TaNg that has a lot of good information on watering and properly using nutrients. He uses Advanced Nutrients and not the Fox Farms Trio like you are, but it’s good information nonetheless. This links is:

With regards to getting seeds, I really like Mephisto Genetics. They give you several different payment options, including bitcoin. They include copious freebies. And they don’t go through customs. I have also used The Vault out of the U.K. they have some of the best stealth shipping I’ve seen.

As for the light, it’s dancing a fine line between stretchiness and compaction. Too far away and the plant stretches. Too close and it stunts. For most LEDs that I’ve seen, the sweet spot seems to be between 20” and 30”. I know that’s a lot, but you just have to play around with it a bit to get it dialed in.

I read a lot about growing - not as much as @archie gemmill - but I read a lot and, if I don’t know the answer to something, I can usually point you in the right direction. Just tag me with an @ and I’ll help in any way I can.

Thanks MCPD, the watering/feeding schedule link is exactly what I needed. I'm going to drop my light another inch or so. The seedlings are still stretching so I'll take care of the light and add more soil mix around the stems per recommendations I've got from other ppl...I've probably over watered just a tad bit but nothing that will hurt and I'll let them do what they naturally do for a day or two. Lot's of love being given in the information by members, knowledge is great, sharing knowledge is even better! I've landed in the right forum.

I just started my first grow too. Day 8 so I’m a newb but I think your light is to high.

I have a 300w led 132w actual and I set it 24in above the soil on day 1 - did not adjust yet and so far so good.
View attachment 927302 View attachment 927307 Hello & Cheers to All!

New grower here and thought I would share what I have going on, as I have found quite a bit of useful info on AFN. I'll apologize now if this first post is a bit wordy, but figure I'll put as much info up front and any comments/suggestions on what I'm doing will be greatly appreciated.

Ordering Seeds - My first time experience was BAD! I ordered from SeedSupreme on June 2, tracked delivery and my package sat at Chicago ISC for 2 weeks. Finally got it on June 25th and US Customs took my beans! Totally bummed me out. I notified SeedSupreme (I paid for guaranteed delivery) and they just shipped my replacement today, July 6. Meantime I figured I would order from another bank just in case - I ordered from Seedsman on June 22; got my beans on July 2. I chose both of these banks because they accept credit cards. Of the two I recommend Seedsman; they are faster as my order was shipped within two business days. Seedsupreme ships in 4 to 5 days from the date you order.

Growing mix & nutes - I'm using the typical noob stuff, Happy Frog Mix in 3 Gallon fabric pots. I'll be using the fox farm trio along with cal mag and root igniter. After I get thru my first couple of grows I'll try some of the other mixes and nutes.

Lights - I have two 300 watt full spectrum LED's I bought on craigslist for $30 each and a 1200 watt full spectrum LED I bought new on ebay (about $15 less than similar light on amazon).

Grow Room - I have a 2 x 4 closet I'm starting out in but I already know that's not gonna be best for what I want to do for ventilation & humidity control. I've ordered a 4 x 4 tent which will be here in the next few days.

Germination - I'm using soil method. Three seeds for this crop, about 1/2 inch deep. I did not pre soak my seeds, but did water the center of my pots with about a red solo cup of water and planted on July 2. Two of the three popped their little leaves up today!!! (July 6, about 90 hours later) I think the third will show itself by tomorrow as I poked my pinky a bit further than 1/2 inch when I dropped the seed in. The hardest part for me has been resisting the temptation to dig around to see what was taking so long lol.

So any watering suggestions would be helpful, as well as lighting. For now I have a single 300W LED light about 30 inches above them (gonna use 18/6). At what point should I turn on the second 300W? At what point should I put them under the 1200W?

Anything I've left out please ask...I'll be updating with pics often =)View attachment 927302 View attachment 927302
Welcome & good luck growbro! I'm subbed!

I'm in the U.S. as well and I've ordered (with CC) from two U.S. based locations so far with good results (fast shipping, etc.). Next time to need some beans try out:

I've also heard you can order from @mephisto directly ( and they can ship to the U.S., I haven't done it myself yet but plan on trying next time.

I'm just about to chop my first grow right now, it's a hell of a ride!

Feel free to tag any of us at any time and someone will try and help out as best they can.
Welcome & good luck growbro! I'm subbed!

I'm in the U.S. as well and I've ordered (with CC) from two U.S. based locations so far with good results (fast shipping, etc.). Next time to need some beans try out:

I've also heard you can order from @mephisto directly ( and they can ship to the U.S., I haven't done it myself yet but plan on trying next time.

I'm just about to chop my first grow right now, it's a hell of a ride!

Feel free to tag any of us at any time and someone will try and help out as best they can.

I’m in the US and mephisto ships within the US from Colorado... I’ve ordered twice and won’t look anywhere else now!!!

I just started my first grow too. Day 8 so I’m a newb but I think your light is to high.

I have a 300w led 132w actual and I set it 24in above the soil on day 1 - did not adjust yet and so far so good.
You are correct! I added more happy frog around them and lowered my light to about 25 inches and they are all doing great. I'll be posting a weekly update with pics hopefully tomorrow