Dankstyle Js Poetry of Plants 2.

Man, that's some impressive trichome coverage my friend:d5:
Thanks very much i used to dream about getting results like this ,still pretty amazing, i really enjoy having medical of this quality i could never afford stuff like this .I have sick family who rely heavily on my meds an to be able to share high quality really is my goal ,well that an master organic coco microbial hydro .
Got everything transplanted except for a frozen rose an a 9lb hammer s1 .The list is 2 cherry pop tarts ,snak ,night wedding an the big plant is brass tacks
Brass tacks (the white xtk91)is very frosty still has lots of time real strong earthy kush smell
Ladies looked a lil rough but i realized i had to underwatered an my raw amendments during transplanting had burned em after a nice watering everything is going great supercropped an tyed down.
Cherry pop tart ,snak ,an night wedding are growing great ,second pic is my other cherry poptart
The speed i get from living coco i have not gotten in any other methods ,these are going to be grande girls !!!!2 cherry poptarts ,snak ,an night wedding.
Would you be willing to explain your fabric pot/bucket combo? Its a very interesting idea and I was curious about the construction. Do the roots use it like a dwc or do they stay in the fabric pot? I've had plants grow roots through their fabric pots before so I was curious about that too.
Every thing is going big ,cherry poptart ,snak ,night wedding an my brass tacks just about done ,she will be replaced by a frozen rose .
Would you be willing to explain your fabric pot/bucket combo? Its a very interesting idea and I was curious about the construction. Do the roots use it like a dwc or do they stay in the fabric pot? I've had plants grow roots through their fabric pots before so I was curious about that too.
Of course friend i don't mind answering questions. When I first came up with the idea i was looking for a faster draining better breathing organic hydro method using coco coir ,sphagnum peat moss .I was looking for the fast growth folks said didn't excist in organics An i found it with living coco ,yes the roots do penetrate the bags an the totes are to keep the bags in place they also act as drain i use lids as water catchers holes in containers for draining