So inspecting my buds further today I discovered 3-4 colas that were in the cure process rotted the fuck out! ALL in the middle/inside. I am PISSED!!!!! I saved the tops but the side budes and lower buds of the cola, completely ruined on the inside, rotten and full of white fuzz and black/white spots all over the fucking place! I dont know if the bud worms caused it this year. Earlier during the grow season I had 2-3 completely brown/dried/dead chunks I had to cut off the nug. Then I had to cut an entire bud off like 3 weeks before harvest due to it rotting by the stem. Either these damn worms or the insane humidity had a hand in fucking me colas up. I dont think it was my drying/curing. The damage done couldnt of happened during the short time they were hangn, it was wayyyy too extensive...fuccck! Anywhoo... I still have quite abit from this years harvest I will be able to enjow ....Anyone else have problems this year outdoors???