New Grower Dale’s 2022 1st grow journal attempt

CoM double grape

Lil Dab

Proper Stoner
Cultivators Club
Oct 4, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
What I got...
Hi my name is Dale and I’m addicted to AFN and growing pot. I’ve been growing for about 2 yrs now. Only auto’s. I have Learned enough to know I don’t know what I’m doing yet. So I’m experimenting at a couple things. Let me also say I’m not a writer so this really isn’t my thing doing a write up. But after creeping and reading everyone’s journals here. thought I’d better show what I’m doing here. All advice is welcome and appreciated.

CoM soil going to be following there schedule for autoflowers. RO water only with a couple top dressings. I attached there schedule if anyone wants to see.
Mepthisto double grape


  • Stonington-Autoflower-Instructions-Final-02-03-2022 6.pdf
    3.7 MB · Views: 38
Good luck with the grow Dale, it looks like your seedling is off to a great start :biggrin:

I love the fact that more companies are now catering for autoflower growers and provide information on how to use their products for them specifically..I will be watching with interest.
Your off to a great start :d5: and good luck with your grow! :goodluck:

I did 2 runs with autopots with limited success! I'm thinking I overfed and switched to bloom nutes too soon. It seems less is more with autopots as far as nutrients are concerned. Build ups of leftover hydro nute salts is something to avoid. I took a break from them to build up my stash, but I intend to try again within the month! :pass:
here we are at day 9-11 from seed. I had some germination troubles so my forum stomper that was planned for CoM experiment got moved up to the autopot mega run. Hopefully gonna have some yielders is this group: forum stomper, anvil, north cheese haze. I think they are all bigger strains for what I have.
I transplanted/moved from seed hut to final home a little early. But I was afraid of them getting root bound. That was at day 6 for older girls little girl is getting pushed along with the rest couple days behind.
I then flushed the coco in the pots to flush buffer solution out with my starting solution. Diluted to 400ppm
Then I made a hole for the peat pellet and placed them in pot and give them alittle water 144ppm +kelp
Now today I was wanting to fergitate to runnoff today because coco is starting get dry. But I pumped the brakes on nutes after reading MOG’s post about tps oac calmag as I was waiting on the verdict from him on how much nitrogen was actually in it. That was suppose to arrive today but did not. So hopefully it shows up tomorrow and I fergitate to runoff. I don’t think pot is too dry yet but don’t wanna wait much longer. Might be making some nutes up light on calmag.
Hopefully I didn’t mess all that up I’m pretty stoned. One more post :rofl::crying:
Your off to a great start :d5: and good luck with your grow! :goodluck:

I did 2 runs with autopots with limited success! I'm thinking I overfed and switched to bloom nutes too soon. It seems less is more with autopots as far as nutrients are concerned. Build ups of leftover hydro nute salts is something to avoid. I took a break from them to build up my stash, but I intend to try again within the month! :pass:
Yeah I been reading a lot about that and plan to stay as light on feed as possible. Plus will be doing weekly flushes to prevent build hopefully. Also may wait alittle longer to turn the auto valve
So to finish the night on a high note. Here is my prind and joy. I’m so proud of her best plant I’ve grown so far
Night owl bubblegum queen day 98

I wouldn’t have done without all of you guys here a AFN. Especially @Olderfart and @Mañ'O'Green for getting me off to the right start. And I can’t thank him enough(he’s probably getting annoyed) thank you @Mañ'O'Green for dealing with all my annoying questions and giving some awesome advice that made me stop and think about what I was doing.

Also thanks @AJrexxx for inspiring me to do a journal. I think mine might be a little bit more random then yours. Just kinda spit it all out here tonight
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@Mañ'O'Green figured i put it my thread not to clog the other. i understand the dabs as i have entered that world lately. i already had done some research after thinking about it. i shouldn't have you doing my leg work. this confirms my thinking and theory with using kelp sounds legit to me. for anyone wondering about PGR's reading this is what i found quick and simple.

How are PGRs Applied
PGRs can be applied or administered, in a variety of manners which include spraying the plant, drenching it through the soil, or even by ‘sprenches’ – where high volume sprays where the solution is applied to both the foliage and growing substrate, as well as soaking. Sprays are one of the most common methods of applying PGRs but without careful consideration, can lead to different results amongst crops as plants need different amounts of time to take in the active ingredients of PGRs. Another common method of applying PGRs is by mixing it into the water of the plant and then drenching the soil so that the roots may take up the substance.

Synthetic Types
When you see the words synthetic before anything, you should already be approaching with caution. Synthetic means that it was man-made using chemicals, compounds, or materials that imitate natural products. If we have learned anything at all about the difference between synthetic and organic products is that the synthetic versions are often accompanied by less effective as well as adverse or undesired side-effects. With that in mind, let’s have a look at some of the synthetic PGRs on the market:

  • Paclobutrazol
  • Daminozide
  • Chlormequat Chloride
In a not-so-unexpected shift of events, these synthetic PGRs are bad for our environment. The residual PGRs in the soil and water can cause some serious damage to the fish and waterways. Additionally, growing cannabis has been known to boost biodiversity in the soil but when synthetic PGRs are used, biodiversity becomes negatively impacted.

Organic Types
As mentioned before, not all PGRs are harmful or dangerous but most of the PGRs being used are synthetic- which is dangerous and harmful. Organic PGRs such as those listed below, are naturally found in our atmosphere and are not risk or problematic to use- plus the fact that organic PGRs will boost your plant with the only extra cost being to your wallet. Wouldn’t you want to make use of a PGR that is best for your plants and for its consumers? Natural PGRs include:

  • Chitosan
  • Triacontanol
  • Kelp
The reason why people are interested in PGRs is pretty obvious. Bigger buds mean more revenue. But it’s often the case that people forego safety and health in pursuit of more profit. Do not be afraid to ask and inquire about the nature of your product’s growth. Ask the questions before you run the risk of suffering the consequences to your health.

However, if you were to use an organic PGR, which may cost you more money but still bring in more clients, your cannabis plants will still benefit from being naturally boosted without the looming worry which often accommodates synthetic PGRs. These plant growth regulators are so commonly used, that the best question may not be whether PGRs are being used, but rather whether what PGR is organic or synthetic.