thanks for the slapper DB! im very happy with it after my 1st press. this stuff tastes AMAZING lol I CANT STRESS THAT ENOUGH!rep slap big time bro that's a awesome rosin press I bet you will be happy with it
I am in the process of making my own rosin press the stuff is in the mail as we speak but nothing that fancy like that beast of a press
just a old straightener that I jacked from my sister that will get taken apart a clamp some good old jb weld and electrical tape it will be modeled after a press I see on another site lets hope it works out
thanks for the Slap Waira!Deeewd, what a hook-up!!
And a great intro review complete with vid's-
... very nicely done Trip',
--- I see you dialing this in quick-like and making phat dabbage to boast over.... try not to hurt your friends too much!
-- or yourself,...or at least have vid' footage of the smoking wreckage that is yourself after a serious dab sess'-
... just go ahead and put the little red X's over your eyes before you record,...
ok that makes sense Briman. maybe next time ill try 45 seconds180-200*F about 60 seconds, but the longer you press, the more terps and thc get burnt off the final product. 150-180*F for hash/kief. Just some guidelines and playing with it will certainly be the fun part!
thanks brotha!Niiiiiiice. Great videos Trip
. Looks like some really good machinery and now that I'm expecting harvest soon I'm wishing for a dab press, damn it :smoking:.
thanks sang! this thing works like a dream!Nice one trip! You'll have some fun with this![]()
" Duckster Come On DOWN!!!!Ah that is sweet @tripaholic88 Another toy that I would love to have but I'm overcrowded as is. Sounds like a trip to su casa is in order
thanks man, cant wait to see what you do with it!Awesome job @tripaholic88 I just got in my plates so need to do an unboxing pic set, then to work on getting the shop press as my grow finishes.
not too far brotha!You think - so how far are you from the big easy.