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Yep seriously they will not harm your plants . Nuisance for u for a Lil while but dude they will kill them all buy 1000 and put em in there no more bugs I guarantee

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I'll bet @Ash-a-Ton be checking these out too, he's the grobro with the bugs
Speaking of lady bugs I’ve found quite a few of them rummaging around my house. I think I’ll let em stay rent free as long as they handle business and take care of my ladies!

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How High ? ................... Knee high, that's how high. You nurture those lady bugs. Are there any Man bugs ?...............must be or they would die out !!!

They love munching on greenfly too, they are welcome in my greenhouse or my plants any day.

Funny, but if they were bug eyed and green and slimy we would squish 'em. But cuz they look red n black n cute we let 'em crawl all over us. They are horrible beetles remember !!!! But they do do a good job. So they are excused.

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