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Weeew just got my water bill for past 6 months, over $150 lol only been 60 days with using extra from growing but damn.
I'm wondering if I can use my aircon water? It's basically distilled water right? Can put a bucket out under the drip hose outside should help cut down on my water costs a bit lol.

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Good idea. I would imagine that would work. I'd definitely test it though. I know with some if not all dehumidifiers you can use the water from. That's what some manufactures say, again I'd test that as well. Any new water source is worthy of it. I need to get another ph meter mine bit the dust about a week ago, it was a cheaper one (under $20) Im open to suggestions lol seems to me they only make cheap or expensive meters, haven't seen any in between.
Cool bud...feel free to PM or tag me anytime if you want to grow some outdoor monsters...I Can and will help you! Lets get you some 6"+ diameter stalks bud!!
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View attachment 811773
Thanks brother. Can't wait. Last year I grew my biggest it was 8ft, cherry bomb from Bomb seeds. I've heard all their photos get huge like that. I definitely welcome your help. Im somewhat limited to spaces to grow monsters, but Im always looking, and plan on moving. Ol lady hates the fact that when looking for a place growing is the first thing I think about lol Her "the kitchen is beautiful" me "ya I could definitely put 3 or 4 by that treeline" lol
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