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Found a new pipe for @Ash-a-Ton :biggrin:
Thanks brother. Can't wait. Last year I grew my biggest it was 8ft, cherry bomb from Bomb seeds. I've heard all their photos get huge like that. I definitely welcome your help. Im somewhat limited to spaces to grow monsters, but Im always looking, and plan on moving. Ol lady hates the fact that when looking for a place growing is the first thing I think about lol Her "the kitchen is beautiful" me "ya I could definitely put 3 or 4 by that treeline" lol

An 8 footer, nice!! Any problems with mold ont he cherry bomb?
It saddens me deeply to hear of our Brother Tom's Passing.

Hopefully to a pain-free place away from all of this.
I listened to XM Tom Petty Radio for years, and was able to hear him just last week, still deejaying and sharing his music with everyone.
Cheers to AFN family, each day we have to blaze together means alot.
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