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She looks amazing you my good man have the greenfinger keep up the [emoji1320]give her another week she will make you more happier
thanks man. your the third person to tell me that and thats exactly what im doing
res change tomorrow and ill get her strapped and trimmed one last time. shes pretty much flushing herself now. only taking about 300ppm/10L/24hr so just be a mild concoction of some sort. thanls for the input bud : )
thanks man. your the third person to tell me that and thats exactly what im doing
res change tomorrow and ill get her strapped and trimmed one last time. shes pretty much flushing herself now. only taking about 300ppm/10L/24hr so just be a mild concoction of some sort. thanls for the input bud : )

No thank you for that bit of porn has me missing my girls something terrible
Still going guys but Iv been holding this bad boy the last hour
Long haul man!! There been any trim around that pool today?
Long haul man!! There been any trim around that pool today?

Lol not at all its full of old gits that have retired and spend 4 months in the sun looking like good auld dale winton in the late 90s or for you state side guys a lump of wood but it's real quiet and chilled I love it some old school hippies here as well who I get my stuff of
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So damn high right now.. Wife is gonna be pissed because I forgot what we were gonna eat for dinner lol I was supposed to make it for us.. Maybe I can come up with an appetizer.. Just made canna brownies, perhaps that could delay her anger.....
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