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Never give up this Grape Walker Kush stem failed on me. So I clipped it and used technaflora rooting gel and planted it in this little guy. Just checked on it because it seemed to be growing and here you go.

I'm not expecting a bountiful harvest from this but I will see how it goes.
Playing hookie today, first day of work I've missed all year. :smoking: Going to play with some pollen and the groom needs a serious cleaning. First order of the day is a cup of java and a fatty of some 24k.
That's wrong on so many counts. Ecspecially the illegal search, case should have been thrown out in the beginning. Sad crazy a place like Colorado with so called legalization is that harsh on penalties when you grow outside the guidelines. I've seen people get zero time in jail and probation for half of what he had in a medical only state.
He got busted in Missouri, But this case is completely Fucking sickness and a blatant example How a puss behind a badge can trample on your Constitution and get away with it!!! Same way with planes flying over your property!!! Private property is private in air or on ground but this shit called "Probable cause" Fucks your Constitutional rights in the pool poo✌️
Playing hookie today, first day of work I've missed all year. :smoking: Going to play with some pollen and the groom needs a serious cleaning. First order of the day is a cup of java and a fatty of some 24k.

oh man i just had 2 days off IN A ROW (that never happens) and of course i had to get sick. come back into work tonight and instead of having a day off tomorrow i'm now working, again, another 6 days straight. urgh. i was supposed to clean my grow room aswell lol never got around to it hate being sick
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