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Morning all I hope you are having a good start to the day!
Here is a track to mellow out with, whilst you have your first smoke/vape of the day.
I hope you have a ethereal mystic moment to this sublime tune, enjoy!

Here a another nice track I like!

Whats that I hear....? You want one more mellow chilled out track! Sure no problem, it would be my pleasure!

What ever you are doing today, have a fantastic chilled time and enjoy yourselves!:vibe:

Anyone got any feel good tracks, please post them Mondays can be a pain in the arse, so why not cheer us all up with some good vibes!:vibes::cool1::thumbsup::smoking:

Peace out Arty:vibe:
@Gauge Steel ... pro tip tight here for ya bud..
the quote button would have allowed this page to be one message
I was reading through the posts and from last night and answering them as i came to them.
Thanks for the tip and i will clean it up. Thanks!
thanks for that :thumbsup:
Vandal up there? Got to be pretty ballsy with a rifle behind every door. Sorry for your loss Brother.

You can buy a whole jug of 7.0 calibration fluid. RO water.

ART! oh... i see it now! A hummingbird if you disregard the metal pungi sticks. the eye and leafs are wings and the tails.

Looks amazingly delicious!

thanks for that :thumbsup:
Hello AFN! A few of you may now me and most don't but I joined the forum about 3 to 4 years ago. I did a couple of grows and then disappeared. I got caught unfortunately. It's been a while now and I was thinking of firing things back up. Any advice from anyone who has been through the same or just has knowledge in general?
cept you wanna quote the others, hehehehe
youll be bossin up the threads in no time
Dude i was sitting in my grow room last night with my Brother in law and we had a few beers in us and he was like, "lets cut one of the buds off and smoke it". My MBAP has a couple weeks left and i have never even considered testing that early. We did and it kicked may ass between my ears. So wet we had to use a butane torch. So this morning the leftovers had dried just 6-7 hours, i smoked the rest and i am ready to paint the house, wax the car, mow the lawn. Incredibly energetic!
Dude i was sitting in my grow room last night with my Brother in law and we had a few beers in us and he was like, "lets cut one of the buds off and smoke it". My MBAP has a couple weeks left and i have never even considered testing that early. We did and it kicked may ass between my ears. So wet we had to use a butane torch. So this morning the leftovers had dried just 6-7 hours, i smoked the rest and i am ready to paint the house, wax the car, mow the lawn. Incredibly energetic!

No wonder i am all quote deficient
Dude i was sitting in my grow room last night with my Brother in law and we had a few beers in us and he was like, "lets cut one of the buds off and smoke it". My MBAP has a couple weeks left and i have never even considered testing that early. We did and it kicked may ass between my ears. So wet we had to use a butane torch. So this morning the leftovers had dried just 6-7 hours, i smoked the rest and i am ready to paint the house, wax the car, mow the lawn. Incredibly energetic!
awwwww yes I remember those days... hehehe
leaving buds on t.v.'s and such.. the ol' play station speed dried nugs lmao
.. sooo impatient hehehe
good stuff though its always nice when u kick your own ass
Hello AFN! A few of you may now me and most don't but I joined the forum about 3 to 4 years ago. I did a couple of grows and then disappeared. I got caught unfortunately. It's been a while now and I was thinking of firing things back up. Any advice from anyone who has been through the same or just has knowledge in general?
Best Advise I can come up with " Don't get Busted " " welcome back " :biggrin:
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