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Truth be told this season has been a grower nightmare...multiple days of 40+mph, hail once, frost twice so far, torrential downpours almost every week, 4 tornado warnings with one that dropped down within a mile of the plants.
35 of the first 45 days after i put the autos out it rained!! Ahh good times for a vet!! Never surrender.....until the snow flies!!
really too bad about my auto entry too!! She had the potential to be a monster auto!! Bomb Cherry Bomb...such a shame!!
mr plantas aint got no badges. Hey @Rebel hook a brotha up.

I have been looking at them. It's gonna be a minute till I the cash for as many as I need. I'm considering building one.

Who? Not to be disrespectful but I don't know who you are talking about... Can you have him tag me here or drop me a link to his thread or something... Would be most helpful...

I did when a bunch of the kids were playing airsoft manhunt in the woods. One kid picked one up and brought it to show me. .

We were climbing hoodoos when I heard a rattle close to my hand. I scrambled down and didn't go back up! I feel my back shiver thinking about it.

  1. @pop22 @oldcoot @oldgit56 @Autoflowa @Royalroacho @Sirro @Duggy @SuperCaLyXfragilistic @All I HAVE @Ryker604 @CannaBeTheOne @Bolota @daggersstrain @strangegreen @budelee @hippy71 @St. Tom @Gatorbackbob @epenguin test shot guys..doing site work,disregard....however/..Fridays are our Interview days..if you receive a noti ,that means the interview is about to start

Possible you add me to that list? I'd like to get notifications and links for them!

There is so few breeders growing non fems or willing to give out non femmed genetics...when i saw the portal did i immediately place a huge order.

Check this out bro, I've use this seed bank with success. But definitely right about the non-fem genetics. I am trying my first fem autos, but I will always prefer Reg Photos.
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