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Agreed. I remember when I was a kid going with my mother to pick tomatoes. She'd bring salt and pepper out in the field lol I miss those days. The place we went to is still open though. They do strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, greens, and they have an apple orchard on the property. Fresh apple cider is amazing as well. Haven't had that in awhile.
My Grandma always had a big garden and all us grands always had to help in it and she like you said always had salt and pepper in her apron and she would eat a tomato then we would go to work wow yes memories ✌️ wish I could role them back every now and then!!!
Absolutely! Can't stand those watery, picked green, mass produced, grocery store tomatoes. Good man! :thumbsup:
Store tomatoes suck period the organic is all I will buy in store's. And they don't have that stung that a garden tomatoes have either when you bite into it hahaha
Man you can never go wrong with Fish I have a strict diet so I eat a lot of fish and fresh veggies!! My favorite is catfish butter blackened in cast iron skillet, with diced shrooms and squash and an onion tossed in with the fish!!! Then on side plate fresh sliced tomatoes lol I'm like the guy on Forrest Gump about the shrimp except I'm that way with tomato lmao!!

Love eating the catfish too...also like walleye and northern pike, and the panfish species(perch, crappies)
And you know....sunfish are absolutely amazing meat...the trick is finding them in the 3/4lb range
When I go camping I like to catch Perch and put in foil with butter just clean it but leave the tail find and toss on the camp fire!!!! After a few joints later best snack ever lol I love fish love it only fish I don't care much for is Bass and I don't know why it just don't taste good to me.
When I go camping I like to catch Perch and put in foil with butter just clean it but leave the tail find and toss on the camp fire!!!! After a few joints later best snack ever lol I love fish love it only fish I don't care much for is Bass and I don't know why it just don't taste good to me.

Same here...not a big bass fan either....cant say i am huge on most of the trout and salmon species either actually!! A few trout are really good, but most are meh.
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