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Hang in there. You will whip it. You will be shocked at how much more cash you have too. It adds up fast. Just another thing to keep you motivated. Seed money LOL!!! Drink a lot of water. Helps flush the shit from your system.
Funny you say that about saving Money . I never saved a nickel . :rofl: All I did was move it in a different direction .:thumbsup:
@Ash-a-Ton Hey little brother check this out !! We got roots . :thumbsup:
Awesomeness!!Love it, when Im wheelchair bound I want any one of those but ill settle for the 60 MPH scooter chair with an upgrade to the chair LOL love the gun scooter. flames n shot LMFAO!! thats hilarious!!

More your style @Eyes on Fire ..?

Since the antennas and the satelites are searching 24/7 for more signals the Auto-Warriors decided to search for more heroes on the earth.

To prepare for their intense search, they started to meditate

While meditating in their Zencloud, a massive lightning hit the cloud and a thunder shattered the LED market.




Friday 15th of September

BST: 9 pm | CET: 10 pm | EDT: 4 pm | PDT: 1 pm

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Another "no-work" day, so I'm sorta just hanging out this morning.. I tried smoking some of the mostly-dried trim from the Tangerine Dreams and it tasted kinda gross; not even green, but sorta like plastic.. It was weird.. Thankfully, I have plenty of bud to hold me over for this to cure for a month or so and maybe it'll taste a little better.. It already smells great though!!!

I still have to hang 1 more light and I moved a couple of the lights around a little.. I told myself that even if the last Tangerine Dream isn't done, it's getting chopped next weekend to make way for the rest of the plants.. Gonna be a full room soon.. I'm gonna wait about 4 weeks and start a few more, and see where I'm at.. Next after that is a local soil test I plan on doing.. Not much maintenance other than watering.. The buds may have seeds, but I don't really care as I wanna see how well the soil works from local sources.. If it's good, then I'm in a good spot to never have to pay for soil again, just a few amendments.. Heavy on the clay, but when dried out, I can lean it out a bit with coco and perlite, and some odds and ends.. Stuff smells awesome!!!! Grows some great colonies as well!!
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