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man, I’ve been dealing with this fucked up temp all day! Because it was so nice out today along with the household temp my tent has been at a steady 80 with rh of 51/52% I’ve tried adding computer fans, opening the tent for a while and nothing opening the tent only lowers my Rh and the computer fans didn’t help so I said fuck it it’s only been this one day that the temps gotten that high it’ll be ok. Temps for the rest of the week outdoors will be low to mid 40s all week so things will go back to normal, it’s just this bathroom retains heat since the window faces the sun from 11am to sundown.

I run mine at 82-85F and with a crazy low RH of 30%(thats winter around here!!).....ive tried to do things to make it more ideal, but at some point you just have to be happy with the climate the space will give. I just tell the girls int he cabinet "You girls live in a cool desert!" and they are okay with it!
True words. How many beautiful grows have you seen ruined by sloppy trimming and a bad cure?

Oh yeah been there a few time myself!! Dealing with insane outdoor conditions for drying sucks!! This year it was hot as hell for drying several of the autos, and sure i lost some taste and smell. And then it was 80% humidity when i was trying to dry the photos....LOL Fortunately i have a space that is inside a super old cabinet and the humidity is at least 30% drier than that outdoor air.
I run mine at 82-85F and with a crazy low RH of 30%(thats winter around here!!).....ive tried to do things to make it more ideal, but at some point you just have to be happy with the climate the space will give. I just tell the girls int he cabinet "You girls live in a cool desert!" and they are okay with it!
My gals don’t seem to be too affected by it so I’m not tripping too hard on it but I’d love to maintain temps of 70-75 rh 40-45 for a much denser flower too much heat and humidity can cause fluff and bud problems
My gals don’t seem to be too affected by it so I’m not tripping too hard on it but I’d love to maintain temps of 70-75 rh 40-45 for a much denser flower too much heat and humidity can cause fluff and bud problems

I have read that, no issues at all with bud density in 85F, or hermy traits. Get into the 90's maybe(but outdoor girls can get through 90-100F+ for a week straight and have no problems)
I’m gonna need to find a small a/c unit before mid spring though that’s when the humidity gets ridiculous here and then the heat comes on! We’ll have days where it’s 105f feels like 120 in the summertime here. But I’m hoping we have a mild summer this next summer.
I’m gonna need to find a small a/c unit before mid spring though that’s when the humidity gets ridiculous here and then the heat comes on! We’ll have days where it’s 105f feels like 120 in the summertime here. But I’m hoping we have a mild summer this next summer.

They can take it long as the roots don't cook. Thats where ground planted plants reign supreme
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