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We Be close to one another ✌️ Arkansas medical bill is shit bro if I'm honest Oklahoma the way it's written it will be a Godsend cause the way it is now the ex marine that had just a few indoor plants got 6 year's bro and he said from day one guys it keeps my monsters away but our courts still shopping his ass off but a lot of Oklahoma is tired of the greed of government so the poles now actually Speek where before they didn't matter
I am gonna do some research and see if I can somehow help gather signatures over here around the state line along I 40. I am a veteran too and plan to show my disabilities and stories of how cannabis TOTALLY WORKS to alleviate the symptoms I dead with. I don't know if you guys have watched any of that series that's on national geographic called the long road home but I was there with 1st cav division on an EOD team and spent my fair share time of patrolling in Sadr City. I did and saw a lot of unspeakable shit, got hit in the underarm and ass with frag when a mortar hit while I was running along a set of train tracks in a firefight trying to get back to help my guys that were sitting ducks and pinned down. I had about 175 meters to run down the train tracks to make it to a bridge to get back to my guys. Got my foot stuck in a crossmember on the rails and tore my meniscus from one side to the other ,had my eardrums blown out cause they had their mortars dialed in on my position and I just said fuck it and ripped my leg out then a mortar hit right next to me blowing me in the canal running under the bridge i was going for. We ended up taking those bastards out and I had surgery when I got back to camp to remove the shrapnel from the mortars. Wrapped the shit out of my knee and was back out 14 hours later fighting again. This has been long story, but so many of us that chose to join a front line unit because we wanted to pay the fuckers back for 9-11 came home injured or in a box, and the politics of it all doesn't allow us the safest and most effective medicine there is, so we chose to grow our own at the risk of being imprisoned by the very country we fought for. Its just sad for me thinking about it

The oldest known written record on cannabis use comes from the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. Ancient Greeks and Romans were also familiar with cannabis, while in the Middle East, use spread throughout the Islamic empire to North Africa. In 1545 cannabis spread to the western hemisphere where Spaniards imported it to Chile for its use as fiber. In North America cannabis, in the form of hemp, was grown on many plantations for use in rope, clothing and paper.
I read that in high times sometime back I think
@Cotton46 well whats possibly going to happen if you use it all on the bottom is it gets used up and solubalized out the bottom of heavy watering mix the roots,GBD soil AND other additives into the soil then pot it up n sow into a plug ot tier cup or whatever. that ,imho is your best bet. with the GBD soil and an additive. some flower teas work nicely too. maybe even another top coating for PH adjustment in flower.
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