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Starting to get some nice color on the girls!
saw a good quote about that yesterday. Elon Musk, in response to [HASHTAG]#NotMyPresident[/HASHTAG] on twitter. "Why is there no flat mars society?"

That's pretty funny. My personal take is this: Ok...even if every single person ever supposedly employed by NASA was somehow silenced on the conspiracy forever, how did they manage to get the Russians during the height of the Cold War, the Chinese, and any other of the many countries with space programs to also be in on the conspiracy? :smoking:

Heat mat came in..Perfect size for my tote..Got a little sensor that goes inside the bin for a consistent readout on interior temps and a controller for adjusting desired temps..Perfect for composting soil mix in colder areas :thumbsup:

Left them my two cents!
"Just add cal mag!" :smoking:
What are y'all burning on tonight?
:slap: for the help! About to fire up some Candy Kush :pass:

LooKS like a couple things, cal/mag may be one... over watering more than likely the other. Savable tho....
I'd be panicked too if I walked in to that.
I can't even see the pics:biggrin:
I'm betting a water issue, with the drooping. A good question would be what he's using for pots and how well they drain, if they drain at all.
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